Ub-Un |
Ubbāha Sutta.-Preached to Upāli (1) on the ten qualities requisite in a monk who serves on a committee, appointed for the purpose of taking a referendum in matters of discipline. A.v.71f.
Ubbarī Vagga.-The second chapter of the Petavatthu. Pv.32ff.
Ubbarī-peta-Vatthu.-The story of Ubbarī (2).
Ubbhida.-A khattiya of sixty thousand kappas ago; a former birth of Mahā Kassapa (Ap.i.34). v.l. Ubbiddha, Uddiya.
Ubhaka.-One of the ten sons of Kālāsoka.
Ubho Sutta (v.l. Ubhatobhāga). On the two-fold emancipation. A.iv.453.
Uccangamāya.-A Pacceka Buddha found in a list of Pacceka Buddhas. M.iii.70; ApA.i.107.
Uccankuttha.-A locality in South India; it was the residence of many famous troop-leaders, whom Kulasekhara won over to his side in his fight against Parakkamabāhu I. Cv.lxxvii.78.
Uccatalanka.-The residence of Mahānāga Thera (v.l. Uccavālika, Uccavālanka). VihhA.489.
Ucchangapupphiya Thera.-An arahant. In the time of Vipassī Buddha he was a garland-maker of Bandhumatī. He saw the Buddha walking along the street with a large following of monks, and taking a flower from his lap he offered it to the Buddha. Ap.ii.374-5.
Ucchukhandika.-A Thera. He was a gate-keeper in Bandhumatī during the time of Vipassī Buddha and once gave to the Buddha a cut of sugar cane (Ap.ii.393). He is probably identical with Kosiya Thera (ThagA.i.431f).
ūcena.-A district in South India, from which soldiers came to oppose the forces of the general Lankāpura. He subdued them. Cv.lxxvi.247, 260.
Udaka.-See Uraga.
Udakagāma.-A village in Ceylon given by King Kittisirirājasīha for the maintenance of the Gangārāma-vihāra. Cv.c.213.
Udakalopa-tissa.-See Ariyagāla-tissa.
Udakapabbata.-A mountain in the region of Himavā. J.v.38; Ap.ii.434.
Udakapūjā.-A celebration held by a Nāga king in honour of Kañcanadevī.
Udakāsecana.-Thirty-three kappas ago there were eight kings of this name, all previous births of Bodhisaññaka (°siñcaka) Thera. Ap.i.131.
Udāna Sutta. Preached by the Buddha at Dandakappa. The Tathāgata possesses full knowledge of the hearts of men. A.iii.402.
Udangana.-See Uraga.
Udapānadāyaka Thera.-An arahant. Ninety-one kappas ago he had built a well for Vipassī Buddha and offered it to him. Ap.i.188.
Udaya Sutta 1.-The conversation between the Buddha and the brahmin Udaya (see Udaya 1). S.i.173f.
Udaya Sutta 2.-See Udaya(-mānava)-pucchā below.
Udaya(-mānava)-pucchā or Udaya-pañhā.-The questions asked of the Buddha by Udaya-mānava, pupil of Bāvarī (see Udaya 2), and the Buddha's replies thereto (Sn.vv.1105-11; SnA.ii.599-600). They deal with the attainment of samāpatti. AA.i.363.
Udayā.-See Udayabhaddā below.
Udayabhaddā.-Step-sister and wife of Udayabhadda. In the verses she is also called Udayā.
Udayaggabodhi.-A parivena built by Aggabodhi VIII. and named after himself and his father (Udaya I.). Cv.xlix.45; see also Ep. Zey.i.216, 221, 227.
Udayana.-See Udaya (3).
Udāyi-thera-Vatthu.-See Lāludāyi.
Udda Jātaka.-See Uddālaka Jātaka.
Uddaka Sutta.-Preached by the Buddha. He states therein how Uddaka-Rāmaputta, unjustifiably, claims to have mastered all learning and all ill, and explains what such learning and mastery really are (S.v.83f).
Uddaka.-See Uddaka-Rāmaputta.
Uddāladāyaka Thera.-An arahant. In a previous birth, thirty-one kappas ago, he saw a Pacceka Buddha Kakudha, near a river, and gave him an uddālaka flower (Ap.i.225).
Uddālapupphiya Thera.-An arahant. Thirty-one kappas ago he gave an uddāla flower to a Pacceka Buddha, Anātha, on the bank of the Ganges (Ap.i.288).
Uddalolaka Vihāra. A monastery in Ceylon; it was the residence of an Elder, named Mahā-Abhaya. Ras.ii.1; SadS.82.
Uddhacca Sutta.-Conceit, want of restraint and of diligence, should all be destroyed by calm (samatha), restraint and earnestness (A.iii.449).
Uddhacūlābhaya.-Nephew of Devānampiyatissa. He restored the Mahiyangana-thūpa and made it thirty cubits high (Mhv.i.40).
Uddha-gangā.-See Gangā.
Uddhakandaraka.-A vihāra in South Ceylon, founded by Mahānāga, brother of Devānampiyatissa (Mhv.xxii.9).
Uddhakurangāma.-A village and a fortification in the district of ālisāra. It was captured by Parakkamabāhu's general, Māyāgeha (Cv.lxx.171).
Uddhambhāgiya Sutta.-The Noble Eightfold Way should be cultivated in order to destroy the five "upward" fetters - lust of form and of the formless, conceit, excitement and nescience (S.v.61f).
Uddharattha.-See Pañcuddharattha.
Uddhavāpi.-A village and a tank. The Māragiri Nigrodha (q.v.) was stationed there (Cv.lxxii.164, 174).
Uddhumātaka Sutta.-The idea of an inflated corpse, if developed, conduces to peace from bondage (S.v.131).
Uddita Sutta.-Preached in answer to a question by one of the devas. The world is all strung up by cords of craving and is escorted by decay. S.i.40.
Udumbaragiri.-See Dhūmarakkha.
Ugganagara.-See Ugga (8).
Uggārāma.-A pleasance, probably near the village Kundiya of the Kurus. Anganika Bhāradvāja is said to have visited it once. See also Ugga (8). ThagA.i.339.
Uggarinda.-One of the chief lay supporters of Nārada Buddha. Bu.x.25.
Uggasena Vatthu.-The story of Uggasena of Rājagaha (Uggasena 2). DhA.iv.59-65; ibid., 159.
Uggasena-Nanda.-King of Magadha, one of the nine Nanda kings (Mbv.98).
Ugghatitaññu Sutta.-Some people in the world are quick withal and learn by taking hints; others learn when full details are given; some have to be led on by instruction; others just learn the text but do not understand it. A.ii.136.
ūhā-nadī.-A river in the Himālaya, evidently difficult of access. Mil.70.
Ujita.-A caravan-driver, who, with his friend Ojita, gave the first meal to Sikhī Buddha after his Enlightenment. ThagA.i.48.
Ujjenika.-Name given to the inhabitants of Ujjenī (Mil.331). Pajjota is called Ujjenika (Ujjenaka) rājā (MA.ii.738).
Ujjhaggika Vagga.-The second division of the Sekhiyā of the Vinaya Pitaka (Vin.iv.187-8).
Ujjhānasaññī.-A Thera. He was so called because he went about finding fault with the monks. He was reported to the Buddha, who thereupon delivered a sermon blaming action such as his. DhA.iii.376-7.
Ujjhānasaññino Sutta.-Records the visit of the Ujjhānasaññikā devas to the Buddha (S.i.23-5).
Ukkācelā Sutta.-The incident mentioned above, of the Buddha praising his two chief disciples, after their death. S.v.163.
Ukkacelā.-See Ukkācelā.
Ukkamsamāla.-A learned monk of Ava. He was well versed in literature and wrote two books dealing with the Pali language, the Vannabodhana and the Likhananaya (Sās., p.120).
Ukkamsika.-A king of Rāmañña, a great patron of learning. For details about him see Bode, op. cit., 50, 52.
Ukkanagara.-A vihāra (presumably in Ceylon). It was the residence of the thera Mahāvyaggha and seven hundred others. Mhv.xxxii.54.
Ukkanthita-aññatarabhikkhussa Vatthu.-The name given in the Dhammapada Commentary (i.297-300) to the story of Anupubba.
Ukkotana Sutta.-Few are those that refrain from accepting bribes to prevent justice, from cheating and from crooked ways; numerous those that do not so refrain. S.v.473.
Uladāgāma.-A village in Rohana where a battle took place between the forces of Parakkamabāhu I, and the rebels. Cv.lxxv.18.
Ullapanagāma.-A village where there was a bridge of thirty cubits, built over the Mahāvālukaganga by Devappatirāja (Cv.lxxxvi.23). The village is identified with the modern Ulapane, four miles from Gampola (Cv.Trs.ii.173, n.3).
ūmi Sutta.-See Ummi Sutta below.
Ummāda-Phussadeva.-See Phussadeva.
Ummāpupphā.-A class of devas present at the preaching of the Mahāsamaya Sutta (D.ii.260). They are so-called because their bodies were azure in colour, like ummā-flowers. DA.ii.690; see also ibid., 562; MA.ii.706.
Ummi Sutta.-Four perils have to be faced by those who go down into the water: waves, sharks, whirlpools and sea-monsters. Like perils await those who go from the household life to homelessness. A.ii.123ff. This sutta is included as part of the Cātuma Sutta (M.i.460f).
Unha Sutta.-When the Unhavalāhaka-devā wish to revel their bodies, the weather becomes hot, according to their desire. S.iii.251.
Unhanagara.-A village, the birthplace of Hatthadātha. Cv.xlvi.45.
Unhavalāhakā.-A class of devas who live in the Cātummahārājika world (NidA.108; VibhA.519). When they wish for heat to revel their bodies, the weather becomes hot. (See Unha Sutta above.)
Unnābha Sutta.-The conversation between the Buddha and Unnābha referred to above. S.v.
Unnalomaghara.-A building belonging to the Rājāyatana-dhatu-vihāra in Nāgadīpa. It was erected by Aggabodhi II. Cv.xlii.62.
Unnama.-A Damila chief whom Dutthagāmani defeated in his campaign. He was a nephew of Tamba and his stronghold was also called Unnama. Mhv.xxv.14, 15; MT.474.
Unnavalli.-A vihāra to which Aggabodhi I. gave the village of Ratana. Cv.xlii.18.