Pali Proper Names
- U -
- Upacāla
- Upacālā
- Upacālā Sutta.-The story of Māra's unsuccessful attempt to cause
the therī Upacālā to sin. S.i.133.
- Upacara.-See
- Upādāna Sutta
- Upādāna-paritassanā Sutta.-Two discourses on how grasping and worry
arise and how they can be got rid of. S.iii.15-18.
- Upādāna-parivatta Sutta.-On the five khandhas as grasping and the
series of four truths in regard to each khandha - i.e., the khandha itself,
its arising, its cessation And the way thereto. He who fully understands these
is fully liberated. S.iii.58ff.
- Upādāya Sutta.-Personal weal and woe are dependent on the eye, ear,
etc. But these are impermanent, woeful, of a nature to change. Therefore
should one not lust for them. S.iv.85f.
- Upaddha Sutta
- Upaddhadussadāyaka Thera
- Upadduta Sutta.-Everything in the world is oppressed. S.iv.29.
- Upadhi.-A Pacceka Buddha, whose name occurs in a list of names.
- Upādiyamāna Sutta
- Upāgatabhāsaniya Thera.-An arahant. In the time of Vipassī Buddha
he was a Rakkhasa in a lake in Himavā. Once the Buddha visited this sprite who
paid homage to him. Ap.i.233.
- Upāhana Jātaka (No. 231)
- Upāhana Vagga.-The ninth section of the Duka Nipāta of the
Jātakatthakathā. J.ii.221-42.
- Upajjhā Sutta
- Upajjhāya.-A gatekeeper of Mandavya, summoned by him to drive out
Mātanga. J.iv.382.
- Upajjhāyavatta-bhānavāra.-The thirtieth chapter of the first
Khandaka of the Mahāvagga.
- Upajotiya.-One of the door-keepers summoned by Mandavya to turn
Mātanga out of his house. J.iv.382.
- Upaka
- Upaka Sutta.-Records the visit paid to the Buddha by
Upaka Mandakāputta. A.ii.181f.
- Upakāla 1.-A Pacceka Buddha mentioned in a list of Pacceka Buddhas.
M.iii.70; ApA.i.107.
- Upakāla 2.-A Niraya, also the name of the tortures in the same
- Upakamsa.-Son of Mahākamsa, king of Asitañjana and brother of Kamsa.
When Kamsa became king, Upakamsa was his viceroy. Upakamsa was killed by a
disc thrown by Vāsudeva, son of Devagabbhā. J.iv.79-82.
- Upakañcana.-A brahmin, brother of the Bodhisatta Mahākañcana. Their
story is related in the Bhisa Jātaka.
- Upakārī
- Upakkilesa Sutta
- Upāli
- Upāli Gāthā.-The stanzas in which
Upāli-Gahapati uttered the Buddha's praises when Nātaputta asked him what
kind of man was his new-found teacher (M.i.386f). These verses are often
quoted; they contain one hundred epithets as applied to the Buddha (Sp.i.257).
- Upāli Sutta
- Upāli Vagga.-The fourth chapter of the Dasaka Nipāta of the
Anguttara Nikāya. It contains records of various discussions between Upāli (1)
and the Buddha and two between Ananda and the Buddha, regarding matters
connected with the Vinaya. A.v.70-7.
- Upāli-pañcaka.-One of the chapters of the Parivāra, containing
various questions asked by Upāli (1) regarding Vinaya rules and the Buddha's
explanations of the same. Vin.v.180-206.
- Upāli-pucchā-bhānavāra.-The sixth chapter of the ninth Khandhaka of
the Mahāvagga. Vin.i.322-8.
- Upamañña.-The family (gotta) to which Pokkharasāti belonged. He
was, therefore, called Opamañña. M.ii.200; MA.ii.804.
- Upanāhī Sutta.-Preached in answer to the questions of Anuruddha.
The five qualities, including grudging, which lead a woman to be reborn in
purgatory. S.iv.241.
- Upananda
- Upananda-Sākyaputta-Thera-Vatthu.-A group of stories concerning the
greediness and rapacity of Upananda Sākyaputta. DhA.iii.139ff; cf.
- Upanemi.-A Pacceka Buddha, mentioned in nominal lists. M.iii.70;
- Upaneyya Sutta.-A deva visits the Buddha at Jetavana and utters a
stanza in which he says that life is short, and one should accumulate merit in
order to obtain bliss. The Buddha replies that all who fear death should
aspire to the final peace. S.i.2.
- Upanisā Sutta
- Upanisinna Vagga.-The fourth chapter of the Rādha Samyutta of the
Samyutta Nikāya. S.iii.200ff.
- Upanita.-A Pacceka Buddha, mentioned in the Isigili Sutta.
- Uparāmā.-One of the two chief women disciples of Paduma Buddha
(J.i.36). The Buddhavamsa, however, gives their names as Rādhā and Surādhā.
- Uparevata
- Uparigangā.-See Gangā.
- Uparimandakamāla.-A vihāra (?) in Ceylon, the residence of
Mahārakkhita Thera (q.v.).
- Uparimandalaka-malaya.-A vihāra (?) in Ceylon, the residence of
Mahāsangharakkhita Thera. J.iv.490.
- Uparittha
- Uparuci.-A king of thirty-eight kappas ago; a previous birth of
Sucintita Thera (Ap.i.134).
- Upāsabha.-Name of a Pacceka Buddha. M.iii.69; MA.ii.890; ApA.i.106.
- Upasāgara
- Upāsaka Vagga
- Upāsakacandāla and Upāsakaratana Suttas.-The Sutta Sangaha
divides into two Suttas (Nos. 9 and 10) the Sutta which appears in the
Anguttara, as one Sutta, under the name of Candāla Sutta (q.v.).
- Upasālā.-According to the Buddhavamsa Commentary (194), Sālā and
Upasālā were the two chief women disciples of Phussa Buddha. The Buddhavamsa
(xix.20), however, calls them Cālā and Upacālā.
- Upasāla.-Younger brother of Paduma Buddha and, later, one of his
two chief disciples. Bu.ix.21; BuA.147; J.i.36.
- Upasālha
- Upasālha Jātaka (No. 166)
- Upasama Sutta.-The Buddha explains to a monk, in answer to a
question, how one may become perfect in the indriyas. S.v.202. For the title
see KS, v.178, n.3.
- Upasamā Therī
- Upasampadā Sutta.-On the qualities which a monk should possess in
order to admit others to the Order. A.v.72.
- Upasampadā Vagga
- Upasanta
- Upasena
- Upasena Sutta
- Upasenā.-One of the chief women supporters of Tissa Buddha.
- Upasenī.-Daughter of Vasavatti, king of Pupphavatī and sister of
Candakumāra. She narrowly escaped death when the king, on the advice of his
chaplain, wished to offer human sacrifices. The story is told in the
Khandahāla Jātaka.
- Upasīdarī.-A Pacceka Buddha, mentioned in the Isigili Sutta.
- Upāsikā Vihāra
- Upasiri 1.-One of the palaces occupied by Anomadassī Buddha in his
last lay-life. Bu.viii.18.
- Upasiri 2.-A palace similarly occupied by Sujāta Buddha.
- Upasīva
- Upasīva-mānava-pucchā
- Upasonā.-One of the two chief women disciples of Sumana Buddha.
Bu.v.27; J.i.24.
- Upassattha Sutta.-Everything is oppressed: eye, ear, etc. S.iv.29.
- Upassaya Sutta
- Upassayadāyaka-vimāna.-The abode of a pious man who was born in
Tāvatimsa as a result of having given a night's shelter to a holy monk. The
vimāna was of gold and was twelve yojanas in height. Vv.64; VvA.291f.
- Upassuti Sutta
- Upasumbha.-An image of the Buddha placed in the Bahumangala-cetiya
at Anurādhapura. King Dhātusena had a diadem of rays made for the statue.
- Upatapassī Thera.-Author of the
Vuttamālā. He was incumbent
of the Gatārā Parivena and was the nephew of Sarasigāmamūla Mahāsāmi.
- Upatissa
- Upatissa Sutta. Preached by Sāriputta. He tells the monks that
there is nothing in the whole world, a change in which would cause him sorrow.
Not even a change regarding the Buddha, be emphasises, in answer to a question
by Ananda. S.ii.274f.
- Upatissā.-One of the two chief women-disciples of Kondañña Buddha.
Bu.iii.31; J.i.30.
- Upatissagāma
- Upatthāna Sutta
- Upatthāyaka Thera.-An arahant. In a previous birth be provided
Siddhattha Buddha with a personal attendant (upatthāka). Fifty-seven kappas
ago he was born as a king, named Balasena. Ap.i.241.
- Upavāla.-See Uvāla.
- Upavāna
- Upavāna Sutta
- Upavatta (Upavattana)
- Upaya Sutta (wrongly called Upāya).-Attachment (upaya) is bondage,
aloofness is freedom. With the abandonment of lust, lust's foothold is cut off
and, thereby, rebirth, etc., is destroyed. S.iii.53.
- Upāya Sutta.-See Upaya Sutta.
- Upayanti Sutta.-When the ocean rises with the tide, the rivers,
their tributaries, the mountain lakes and tarns, all rise as a result.
Likewise rising ignorance makes, in turn, becoming, birth and decay and death
to rise and increase. S.ii.118f.
- Upekhā Sutta
- Upekkhaka Sutta.-Moggallāna tells the monks how he entered in and
abode in the fourth jhāna. S.iv.265f.
- Uposatha
- Uposathā
- Uposatha Sutta
- Uposatha Vagga.-The fifth chapter of -the Atthaka Nipāta of the
Anguttara Nikāya, containing suttas on the Uposatha, among other things.
- Uposathāgāra.-A building connected with the Thūpārāma. It was built
by Bhātikābhaya and enlarged by Amandagāmani-Abhayi. Mhv.xxxiv.39; xxxv.3;
MT.629, 639.
- Uposathakhanda.-The second section of the
Bhūridatta Jātaka.
- Uposathakhandhaka.-The second chapter of the Mahāvagga of the
Vinaya Pitaka. Vin.i.101-36.
- Uposathakkhandha Sutta
- Uposatha-vimāna.-See Uposathā.
- Uposatha-vinicchaya.-A Vinaya treatise, written in Burma. Bode, op.
cit., 44.
- Uppāda Samyutta.-The twenty-sixth section of the Samyutta Nikāya.
- Uppāda Sutta
- Uppāde Sutta
- Uppādena Sutta (2).-The uprising of the six sense objects - forms,
sounds, etc. - is the uprising of Ill, the persisting of disease, the
manifestation of decay and death. The cessation of the former leads to the
disappearance of the latter. S.iv.14.
- Uppādetabba Sutta.-On six states which a person holding right views
will never reach. A.iii.438.
- Uppajjanti Sutta.-On the power of earnestness (appamāda). A.i.11.
- Uppala
- Uppalā.-One of the chief women supporters of Anomadassī Buddha.
- Uppaladāyika Therī
- Uppalavanna
- Uppalavannā
- Uppalavannā Sutta.-Records a conversation between Uppalavannā and
Māra (S.i.131f). The ideas are the same as those contained in the verses found
in the Therīgāthā (vv.230-5) but the wording is somewhat different.
- Uppalavāpī.-A village in Ceylon where king Kutakanna spent some
time. There he invited the thera Cūlasudhamma and made him live at the
Mālārāma Vihāra. VibhA.452.
- Uppanna (or Uppāda) Sutta.-Two suttas which state that the seven
bojjhangas do not arise without the manifestation of a Tathāgata. S.v.77.
- Uppātasanti.-A Pāli work written by an unknown thera of Laos in the
sixteenth century. It seems to have dealt with rites or charms for averting
evil omens or public calamities. Bode, op. cit., 47, and n.5.
- Uppatha Sutta.-Questions asked by a deva and the Buddha's answers
to them. Lust is the road that leads astray, life perishes both night and day,
women are they that stain celibacy, the higher life cleanses without bathing.
- Uppati Vagga.-See Sukhindriya
- Uppatika Sutta
- Uracchadā
- Uraga Jātaka (No. 154, 354)
- Uraga Vagga/Sutta
- Uraga.-A mountain near Himavā. In a previous
birth, Gosāla Thera saw there a rag-robe hanging, to which he paid homage (v.l.
Udaka and Udangana). ThagA.i.79; Ap.ii.434.
- Uragapura
- ūriyeri.-A locality in South India. In it was a fortress which was
besieged by Lankāpura and Jagadvijaya. Cv.lxxvii.58, 62.
- Urubuddharakkhita.-An Elder who was present at the foundation
ceremony of the Mahāthūpa. He came from the Mahāvana in Vesāli, with eighteen
thousand monks. Mhv.xxix.33.
- Urucetiya.-See Mahāthūpa.
- Urudhammarakkhita.-A thera who came from the Ghositārāma in
Kosambī, with thirty thousand monks, to be present at the foundation ceremony
of the Mahāthūpa. Mhv.xxix.34.
- Urusangharakkhita.-An Elder who came with forty thousand monks from
the Dakkhināgiri in Ujjeni, to be present at the Mahāthūpa foundation ceremony
- Uruvelā
- Uruvela Sutta
- Uruvela.-One of the chief lay supporters of Sumedha Buddha.
- Uruvelakappa
- Uruvela-Kassapa
- Uruvelamandala
- Uruvela-pātihāriya-bhānavāra.-The twenty-first chapter of the first
Khandhaka of the Mahāvagga in the Vinaya Pitaka.
- Uruvelapattana.-See Uruvela (2).
- Uruvela-vihāra.-A vihāra in Ceylon, restored by Vijayabāhu I.
(Mhv.lx.59). It may have been in the city called Devanagara (Cv.Trs.i.220,
- Uruvellā.-One of the two chief women disciples of Kassapa Buddha.
J.i.43; Bu.xxv.40.
- Usabha Thera
- Usabhakkhandha.-Son of Dīpankara (Bu.ii.209; Mbv.4). See also
- Usabhamukha.-One of the four channels leading out of the Anotatta
lake. The river which flows out of this channel is called Usabhamukhanadī, and
cattle are abundant on its banks. SnA.ii.438; UdA.301.
- Usabhavatī
- Usīnara
- Usinnara.-See Usīnara.
- Usīraddhaja
- Ussada
- Ussānavitthi.-A village in Ceylon, given by King Udaya I, for the
maintenance of the pāsāda in the Pucchārāma-vihāra. It was a poor village, but
the king made it rich. Cv.xlix.28.
- Ussillya-Tissa Thera
- Ussolhi Sutta.-Exertion (ussolhi) must be made by those who see not
decay and death as they really are. S.ii.132.
- Usukāraniya Sutta.-Describes one of the petas of Gijjhakūta, seen
by Moggallāna, while in the company of Lakkhana. The peta had been a judge in
Rājagaha and had been cruel to criminals. The peta's body bristled with
arrows. S.ii.257.
- Utta
- Uttama
- Uttamā
- Uttamadevī Vihāra.-A monastery to the east of Anurādhapura.
UdA.158; MA.i.471.
- Uttara
- Uttarā
- Uttara Sutta
- Uttaracūlabhājaniya.-Mentioned in the Vibhanga Commentary. (p.308).
- Uttaradesa
- Uttaradhātusena-vihāra.-Built by King Dhatusena. Cv.xxxviii.48.
- Uttaragāma.-A village in Ceylon, the residence of
Pingala-Buddharakkhita Thera. There were one hundred families living there and
the Elder had, at some time or other, entered into samāpatti at the door of
each of their houses, while waiting for alms. MA.ii.978.
- Uttarahimavanta.-See Himavā.
- Uttarajīva.-A monk of Pagan, who came to the Mahāvihāra in Ceylon
in A.D. 1154. He was accompanied by Chapatti and brought with him a copy of
the Saddanīti which had just been written by Aggavamsa. P.L.C. 185.
- Uttarakā
- Uttarakumāra.-The Bodhisatta. See Uttara
- Uttarakuru
- Uttarakurukā.-The inhabitants of
Uttarakuru. A.iv.396.
- Uttarāla.-A tank repaired by Parakkamabāhu I. Cv.lxviii.47.
- Uttarālha.-A dwelling-house (parivena) which probably belonged to
the Abhayagiri-vihāra. In it Sena I., while he was yet Mahādipāda, built cells
which bore his name (Cv.l.77). Sena II. built a pāsāda there (; see
also Cv. Trs.i.145, n.2).
- Uttaramadhurā
- Uttaramātā
- Uttaramūla Nikāya
- Uttarāpa.-The name given to the region to the north of the river
Mahī (SnA.ii.437). See also Anguttarāpa.
- Uttarapāla
- Uttarapañcāla
- Uttarāpatha
- Uttarāpathaka.-A resident of Uttarāpatha.
J.ii.31; Vin.iii.6.
- Uttara-rāja-putta.-Mentioned in the Samantapāsādikā (Sp.iii.544) as
having sent to the Elder Mahāpaduma a shrine made of gold, which the Elder
refused to accept, as it was not permissible for him to do so.
- Uttarārāma
- Uttarasena.-A dwelling-house in the Abhayuttara-vihāra (Abhayagiri)
built by Uttara, a minister of Sena I. He provided it with all the
necessaries. Cv.l.83.
- Uttaratissārāma.-A monastery in Ceylon, built by Tissa, minister of
Vattagāmani. It was dedicated to the thera Mahātissa of Kambugalla (Kapikkala?).
Mhv.xxxiii.92; MT.622.
- Uttaravaddhamāna.-See
- Uttara-Vihāra
- Uttaravinicchaya
- Uttareyyadāyaka Thera
- Uttarī
- Uttari (-manussadhamma) Sutta
- Uttarika.-A diminutive form of Uttarā
used by Uttaramātā, the Yakkhinī, in
addressing her daughter. S.i.210.
- Uttaroliya
- Uttaroliya Vagga. The sixth section of the
- Uttaromūla, Uttarola.-See
- Utthāna Sutta
- Uttika.-See Uttiya.
- Uttinna Thera.-He came from Kasmīra, at the head of 280,000 monks,
to be present at the foundation-ceremony of the Mahā Thūpa in Anurādhapura.
- Uttiya or Uttika Sutta
- Uttiya, Uttika
- Utulhipupphiya Thera.-An arahant. He made a garland of utulhi-flowers
and offered it to a bodhi-tree. This was at the beginning of this kappa.
- Uvāla Thera
- ūvarattha.-See Hūvarattha,
- Uyyānadvāra.-A gate in Pulatthipura, built by Parakkamabāhu I.