1. Upasanta.-One of the two chief disciples of Atthadassī Buddha (Bu.xv.19; J.i.39). He was the son of the chaplain of Sucandaka and the friend of Santa.

Santa and Upasanta visited the Buddha and for seven days entertained the Buddha and his monks. The two entered the Order with ninety-eight thousand followers. BuA.179f.


2. Upasanta.-A Pacceka Buddha to whom the thera Vajjita, in a previous birth thirty-one kappas ago, gave a campaka-flower. ThagA.i.336; Ap.i.288.


3. Upasanta (Upasantaka, Upasaññaka).-The body-servant of Vessabhū Buddha (D.ii.6; Bu.xxii.23; J.i.42). He was the king of Nārivāhana city and was converted by the Buddha, taking over with him a large following. BuA.206.

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