The Vamsas and their country.

It lay to the south of Kosala, and its capital was Kosambī (E.g., J.iv.28) on the Yamunā.

Udena, son of Parantapa, also called Vamsarājā (E.g., J.iv.370,390), was its king in the time of the Buddha.

Avanti lay to the south of the Vamsa country. The Vamsā were also called Vatsā (Bud. India, 3, 27; Mtu.i.34).

The country formed one of the sixteen Mahājanapadā.

The district of Bhagga, in which was Sumsumāragiri, seems to have been subject to the Vamsā in the Buddha's time, for we find Udena's son, Bodhi, living there (J.iii.157, also Mahābhārata ii.30, 10f).

In nominal lists (E.g., D.ii.200) the Vamsā, are generally mentioned with the Cetī.

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