1. Yasavatī. Wife of Supatita (Suppatīta), and mother of Vessabhū Buddha. Bu.xxii.18; J.i.42; D.ii.7.

2. Yasavatī. Wife of Mangala Buddha in his last lay life. Bu.iv.20.

3. Yasavatī. Chief of the women patrons of Revata Buddha. Bu.vi.23.

4. Yasavatī. Sister of Akitti (q.v.). J.iv.237.

5. Yasavatī. One of the chief women supporters of Metteyya Buddha. She will be one of the leaders of the women who will accompany Metteyya on his Renunciation. Anāgat. vs. 63, 99.

6. Yasavatī. The city in whose park Tissa Buddha preached his first sermon. It was the capital of King Sujāta. BuA.189,190.

7. Yasavatī. See Yasa (6).

8. Yasavatī. A Therī. The Apadāna contains a set of verses attributed to a group of nuns, at the head of whom was Yasavatī. Ap.ii.597.

9. Yasavatī. Wife of Okkāmukha and mother of Devadahasakka. MT. 135.

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