1. Yamaka. The sixth book of the Abhidhamma Pitaka. It is divided into ten chapters (called Yamaka) Mūla, Khandha, āyatana, Dhātu, Sacca, Sankhārā, Anusaya, Citta, Dhamma and Indriya. The method of treatment of each of the ten divisions tends to be threefold. Firstly, a Paññattivāra or section deliminating the term and concept, divided into an Uddesavāra, stating the inquiries only, and a Niddesavāra, wherein the inquiries are repeated with their several answers. Secondly, and mainly, there is the Pavattivāra, referring not to procedure generally, but to living processes, and, lastly, the Pariññāvāra, dealing with the extent to which a given individual (i.e., a class of beings) understands the category under consideration. There is a Commentary to the Yamaka by Buddhaghosa, which is included in the Pañcappakaranatthakathā.
See P.T.S. edn., i.xix ff.; the Yamaka has been published by the P.T.S. 1911, 1913.
2. Yamaka. A Thera holding heretical views, refuted by Sāriputta. See Yamaka Sutta.
3. Yamaka. A man belonging to the retinue of King Eleyya. He was a follower of Uddaka-Rāmaputta. A.ii.180; AA.ii.554.