A name given to Ananda. (S.i.215, 219; cf. Mhv.iii.36; Ap.i.7; DhSA., p.1).
The Commentary explains Vedeha by pandita. (Vedehamunino ti panditamunino. Pandito hi ñānasankhātena vedena īhati sabbakiccāni karoti, tasmā vedeho ti vuccati. Vedeho ca so muni cāti = Vedehamuni).
The Apadāna Commentary (ApA.i.106), however, gives another explanation, according to which Ananda was the son of a Videha lady (Videharatthe jātā, tassā deviyā putto).
SA.ii.132 ; cf. MT.149 (vedena paññāya īhati pavattatīti = vedeho).