Pali Proper Names
- V -
Vibbhanta bhikkbu Vatthu
- Vibhajjavāda. The name given to the Dhamma by the orthodox; the
term is identical with Theravāda and the Buddha is described as Vibhajjavādī.
E.g., Mhv.v.171; VibhA.130; cp. Kvu. Trs. introd. p.38.
Vibhanga Sutta
- Vibhanga Vagga. The fourteenth Vagga of the
Majjhima Nikāya (suttas 131-42).
M.iii.187 257.
- Vibhāta. One of the eleven children of Panduvāsudeva and
Bhaddakaccānā. Dpv.x.3; see also xviii.41, 44.
- Vibhatti Sutta. Preached by Sāriputta on the four branches of
analytical knowledge: meanings (attha); conditions (dhammā); definitions (nirutti);
intellect (patibhāna). A.ii.159f.
- Vibhattikathā. A treatise, probably grammatical, by a Ceylon monk.
Gv. 65, 75.
- Vibhattyattha 1. A work on Pāli cases by Kyocva's daughter. Sās.,
p. 77.
- Vibhattyattha 2. A Pāli grammatical treatise by Saddhammañāna. Bude,
op. cit., 26.
- Vibhīsana vihāra. A monastery built by Dhātusena. Cv.xxxviii.49.
- Vibhītakamiñjiya Thera. An arahant. He gave a vibhītaka fruit to
Kakusandha Buddha (Ap.ii.396). He is perhaps identical with Sopāka Thera.
Vibhūsaka Brahmadatta
- Vicakkanā. A class of devas, present at the preaching of the Mahā
samaya, Sutta. D.ii.261.
- Vicchidaka Sutta. The idea of a fissured corpse, if cultivated,
leads to great profit. S.v.131.
- Vicitoli (Vicikoli). Wife of Dhammadassī Buddha in his last lay
life. Their son was Puññavaddhana (Bu.xvi.15). Vicitoli gave milk rice to the
Buddha just before his Enlightenment. BuA.182.
- Vicittā, One of the chief lay women supporters of Padumuttara
Buddha. Bu.xi.26.
- Vidadhimukhamandatīkā. A Commentary by Vepullabuddhi (Gv. 64, 74).
It was, perhaps, a Commentary to Vidaghamukhamandana (a book of riddles) by
Dhammadāsa. Bode, op. cit., 28, n.3.
- Viddumagāma. A village in Ceylon in which was the
Sirighanānanda-parivena. Cv.xc.98.
- Videhiputta 1. A name given to Alāra.
- Videhiputta 2. See Vedehiputta.
- Vidhā Sutta. Recluses and brahmins of mighty power and majesty in
the past, present or future, all owe their power to the cultivation of the
four satipatthānas. S.v.274.
- Vidhātā. Given as the name of a god to whom sacrifices should be
offered as a means of obtaining happiness.
- Vidhavā. A river in the inner regions of Himavā (anto Himavante).
- Vidhola.-A hunter, who later joined the Order at Tissa Vihāra in
Mahāgama and became an arahant. Ras.i.132f.
- Vidhūpanadāyaka Thera. An arahant. He gave a fan to Padumuttara
Buddha and sang his praises as he fanned him. He became an arahant at the age
of seven. He was king sixteen times under the name of Vījamāna. Ap.i.103f.
Vidhurapandita Jātaka (No. 545)
- Vidhurinda 1.-A Nāga king who was given in charge of the Bodhi-tree
by Asoka during its travels to Ceylon. Mbv.153
- Vidhurinda 2.-One of the brothers of Vedisadevī. He escorted the
Bodhi-tree to Ceylon and was given the rank of Lankāparisuddhanāyaka. Mbv.169.
- Viditvisesa. The name under which Ajātasattu will become a Pacceka
Buddha. DA.i.238.
- Vidoja. An epithet of Indra. UdA.75; see also n.12.
- Vidūra Jātaka. See Sucira
- Vidurā. One of the wives of Udaya IV. She fixed a mandorla (pādajāla)
on an image of the Buddha which was in the Mahāvihāra. Cv.liii.50.
- Viduragga. Senāpati of Udaya IV. Cv.liii.46; cf. Vajiragga.
- Vigatānanda. A king of twenty four kappas ago, a former birth of
Ekanandiya Thera. Ap.i.217.
- Vigatāsoka. See Vītāsoka.
- Viggāhita Sutta. The Buddha exhorts the monks not to engage in
wordy warfare, such talk being neither profitable nor conducive to Nibbāna.
They should converse about dukkha, its cause, etc. S.v.419.
Vighāsa Jātaka (No. 393)
Vihāra Sutta
- Vihārabīja. A village in Ceylon from which five hundred young men
entered the Order on the occasion of the enshrinement of the Buddha's collar
bone in the Thūpārāma. Mhv.xvii.59.
- Vihāradānānaumodanā Sutta.-A sutta quoted in the Sutta Sangaha
(No.63) from the Vinaya Pitaka (Vin.147f.) on the value of gifting vihāras
- Vihāravāpi. A village in Ceylon, near Tulādhārapabbata. It was the
birthplace of Labhīya Vasabha. Mhv.xxiii.90.
- Vihāravejjasālatittha. A ford in the Mahāvālukagangā. Cv.lxxii.25.
- Vihāsava. A king of the race of Makhādeva. He ruled in Benares and
his son was Vijitasena. MT. 130; but Dpv.iii.39 calls him Vijaya.
- Vihatābhā. A king of twenty nine kappas ago, a previous birth of
Campakapupphiya (or Belatthānika) Thera. Ap.i.167; ThagA.i.205.
- Vījamāna. Sixty thousand kappas ago there were sixteen kings of
this name, all previous births of Vidhūpanadāyaka Thera. Ap.i.103.
- Vijambhavatthu. A place of residence for monks in the
Vattaniyasenāsana, where Rohana took Nāgasena to admit him into the Order.
Mil. p. 12.
Vijaya Sutta
- Vijayā Sutta. Contains the story of Māra’s temptation of
Vijayā Therī. S.i.130.
Vijayā Therī
- Vijayabāhu parivena-vihāra. A monastery built by King Vijayabāhu
III. in Vattalagāma (Cv.lxxxi.58). A monk, named Kāyasatti, was its chief
incumbent in the time of Parakkamabāhu IV., Cv.xc.91.
- Vijayabhuja. See
- Vijayakumāra. Son of Sirināga II., and king of Ceylon for one year
(302 3 A.C.). He was killed in his palace by the three Lambakannas:
Sanghatissa, Sanghabodhi and Gothābhaya. Mhv.xxxvi.57f; Dpv.xxii.51.
- Vijayapāla. Son of Vimaladhammasūriya I. and his queen, Dona
Catherina. He was governor of the province of Mātula. Cv.xcv.22.
- Vijayapura. The Pāli name for the city of Panyā in Burma. Bode, op.
cit., 27, 40.
- Vijayasundārāma. A monastery built by Vijayabāhu III. Cv.lxxxi.51;
see also P.L.C. 209.
- Vijitamitta. A brahmin, friend of Bhaddasāla, and later aggasāvaka
of Nārada Buddha. v.l. Jitamitta. Bu.x.23; BuA.154.
- Vijita-pura, Vijīta nagara
- Vijitasangāma. A yavapālaka who supplied grass to Tissa Buddha for
his seat. BuA.189.
Vijjā Sutta
- Vijjābhāgiya Sutta. The six parts of wisdom: the idea of
impermanence, of ill in impermanence, of not self in ill, of renunciation, of
dispassion, of ending. A.iii.334.
- Vijjādhara guhā, lena. A cave in Pulatthipura, forming part
of Uttarārāma (Cv.lxxviii.73). The boundary of the Baddhasīmāpāsāda grounds
passed fifty staves (375 ft.) to the north of this cave. Ibid., vs. 66. See Cv.
Trs.ii.111, n.2.
- Vijjāmandapa. A building in the Dīpuyyāna. It was built to
demonstrate the various branches of science. Cv.lxxiii.115.
- Vijjāvimutti Sutta. The holy life is lived with the realization of
the fruits of knowledge for its aim. S.v.28.
- Vikāla Sutta. Few are they who abstain from eating at unseasonable
hours, many they who do not. S.v.470.
Vikannaka Jātaka (No. 233)
- Vikata. A mountain near Himavā.
- Vikkama. A Lokagalla. He was a general of Rohana and was defeated
by the Mūlapotthakī Māna. Cv.lxxv.138.
- Vikkamacolappera. A stronghold in South India, occupied by
Pandiyarāyara. It was captured by Lankāpura. Cv.lxxvi.178.
- Vikkamapandu
- Vikkamapura
- Vikkamarājasīha
- Vikkambhuja. See
- Vikkantabāhu. See
- Vikkantacāmunakka. General of Anīkanga whom he slew. He acted for
one year (1209 A.C.) as regent for Queen Līlāvatī. Cv.lxxx.45.
- Vilāna. A place near ālisāra, mentioned in the wars of Gajabāhu.
- Vilasa
- Vilāta. A country. Mil. 327, 331; Rhys I)avids identifies it with
Tartary (Mil. Trs.ii.204).
- Vilattākhanda. The weir of a tank repaired by Parakkamabāhu I.
- Villagāma.-A village in the south of Ceylon. Ras.ii.147.
- Villavarāyara. A Damila chief, ally of Kulasekhara. He was slain by
the soldiers of Lankāpuira. Cv.lxxvi.94, 163; but see 173 and 185.
- Villikābā. A district of Ceylon, once the residence of Vijayabāhu
I. Cv.lviii.29.
- Vilokana. A king of eighty one kappas ago, a former birth of Mānava
(Sammukhāthavika) Thera. Ap.i.159; ThagA.i.164.
Vimalā Therī
Vimalakondañña Thera
- Vimalatthavilāsinī. A Commentary by Dhammapāla on the Vimāma Vatthu
(BuA. p. 236), forming part of the Paramatthadīpanī.
- Vimalavilāsinī. A Commentary by Dhammapāla on the Vimāna Vatthu; it
forms part of the Paramatthadīpanī. BuA. p. 236.
- Vīmamsa khanda. The section of the Mūgapakkha Jātaka which
describes the various tests applied to Temiya to discover whether his
appearance of being deaf and dumb was a pretence.
- Vīmamsaka Sutta. The Buddha tells the monks at Jetavana that the
enquiring monk, who searches the heart of others, should study the Tathāgata.
He then proceeds to give details as to how the study should be undertaken.
Vimāna Vatthu
- Vimaticchedanī. A Commentarial work on the Abhidhamma by an Elder
named Kusapa. Gv. 60, 70; P.L.C. 160.
- Vimativinodanī. A Commentary on the Vinaya by Kassapa Thera. It was
one of the authorities quoted by the Pārupanas against the Ekamsikas and it
was held in high esteem by King Dhammaceti. Gv. 61; Sis. 69; P.L.C. 179.
- Vimokkha Sutta. On eight kinds of deliverance. A.iv.306f.
- Vimokkhakathā. The fifth chapter of the Mahāvagga of the
Patisambhidāmagga. PS.ii.35 73.
- Vimuttimagga. A commentary by Upatissa.
- Vimutti Sutta. On the five spheres of release experienced when one
teaches the Dhamma to another, when yet another listens, when one learns it
oneself, when one ponders and reflects on it, and when one has rightly
penetrated into it. A.iii.21f.