1. Samanabrāhmana Sutta. Recluses and brahmins who know decay-and death, its uprising, its cessation and the way thereto they are held in honour; not so the others. S.ii.14f.

2. Samanabrāhmana Sutta. Similar to (1). They know not only decay and death but likewise all the factors of this entire mass of Ill; such realize, in this very life, the goal of recluseship. S.ii.45f.

3. Samanabrāhmana Suttā. A group of suttas similar to the above; the good recluses and brahmins know about decay and death, birth, becoming, grasping, craving, feeling, contact, sense, name and form, consciousness and activities. S.ii.129f.

4. Samanabrāhmana Sutta. Honoured recluses and brahmins are those who know the satisfaction, the danger and the escape regarding gains, favours and flattery. S.ii.236f.

5. Samanabrāhmana Sutta. Real recluses and brahmins are those who understand the arising, destruction, satisfaction, danger and escape from the three kinds of feeling. S.iv.234f.

6. Samanabrāhmana Sutta. Recluses and brahmins who have understood fully the five controlling powers (indriyāni) are worthy of honour. S.v.195.

7. Samanabrāhmana Sutta. Similar to (6), regarding the six sense faculties. S.v.206.

8. Samanabrāhmana Sutta. Same as (6), but the controlling powers are different case, etc. S.v.208.

9. Samanabrāhmana Sutta. The results of the development of the four iddhi-pādas by recluses and brahmins. S.v.273f.

10. Samanabrāhmana Sutta. Recluses and brahmins who have gained, are gaining, and will gain, the highest wisdom, do so through understanding of the Four Noble Truths. S.v.416f.

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