1. Sīvalā, Sīvalī. An aggasāvikā of Siddhattha Buddha. Bu.xvii.19; J.i.40.

2. Sīvalā, Sīvalī. An aggasāvikā of Mangala Buddha. Bu.iv.24; J.i.34.

3. Sīvalā. One of the chief women patrons of Konāgamana Buddha. Bu.xxiv.24.

4. Sīvalā. A daughter of Matusīva. Dpv.xi.7.

5. Sīvalā. An eminent Therī, teacher of the Vinaya in Ceylon. Dpv.xviii.27.

6. Sīvalā. An eminent Therī of Jambudīpa who, with Mahāruhā, came to Ceylon at the head of twenty thousand nuns at the invitation of King Abhaya and taught the Tipitaka in Anurādhapura. Dpv.xviii.31f.

7. Sīvalā. See Sīvalī.

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