1. Sirivaddha. The name of Mahā Moggallāna (q.v.) in the time of Anomadassī Buddha. ThagA.ii.90; see also Bu.viii.24.
2. Sirivaddha. Chief lay supporter of Sikhī Buddha. Bu.xxi.22; J.i.94.
3. Sirivaddha. An Ajīvaka, who gave grass for his seat to Sumedha Buddha. BuA.164.
4. Sirivaddha. A Yavapāla who gave grass for his seat to Dhammadassī Buddha. BuA.182.
5. Sirivaddha. An ascetic who gave grass for his seat to Phussa Buddha. He was originally a rich man and had left the world. The Buddha preached to him and his followers. BuA. 192,193.
6. Sirivaddha. A palace occupied by Anomadassī Buddha in his last lay life. BuA.141; Bu.viii.18 calls it Vaddha.
7. Sirivaddha. A palace occupied by Sumedha Buddha in his last lay life. Bu.xii.19.
8. Sirivaddha. A palace that will be occupied by Metteyya Buddha before his renunciation. Anāgat. p.46.
9. Sirivaddha Thera. The brother of Sirimā Thera. For his story see Sirimā (1).
10. Sirivaddha Thera. His father was a rich man of Rājagaha and he was present when the Buddha visited Bimbisāra. Impressed by the Buddha's majesty, Sirivaddha joined the Order and lived in a forest near Vebhāra and Pandava meditating. A great storm arose one day, and the Thera, cooled by the rain, was able to concentrate his mind and win arahantship (Thag.vs.41, ThagA.i.107f).
He is probably identical with Kinkhanikapupphiya Thera of the Apadāna (Ap.i.204). In the past he offered a kinkhani flower to Vipassī Buddha. Seventy seven kappas ago he was a king, named Bhīmaratha.
11. Sirivaddha. A setthi of Mithilā, father of Mahosadha. He is identified with Suddhodana. J.vi. 331, 478.
12. Sirivaddha. A minister of Pasenadi, who once sent a message through him to Ananda. M.ii.112.
13. Sirivaddha. A householder of Rājagaha. When he was ill he sent word to Ananda asking him to visit him. Ananda, went and preached to him on the four satipatthānas. Sirivaddha became an anāgāmī. S.v.176f.
14. Sirivaddha. Father of Siggava Thera (q.v.). MT. 215.
15. Sirivaddha. The name by which Sona Kolivisa (q.v.) was known in the time of Padumuttara Buddha. AA.i.130.