The throne of Sakka, which stands under the Pāricchattaka Kovilāra tree and is sixty leagues long, fifty broad and fifteen deep. Sakka, sitting on it, sinks as far as the middle of his body. It is the colour of the jayasumana flower (DA.ii.482).

The Buddha occupied the seat when he visited Tāvatimsa to preach to his mother. It is said that Sakka feared the seat might prove too high for the Buddha, but the Buddha, perceiving his thoughts, sat on it, covering the whole with a fold of his robe (DhA.iii.217; iv.80).

Mention is also made (J.ii.193) of the Buddha occupying the seat on a subsequent visit to Tāvatimsa. Distinguished guests of Sakka, such as Sādhīna (J.iv.357), were allowed to sit on the throne by Sakka's side.

When Sakka's span of life draws near its end, or his merit is exhausted, or a righteous being is in danger and needs his help, the Pandukambalasilāsana becomes heated, thus attracting his attention. (E.g., J.iv.8 f., 238, 323; iii.53; v.92, etc.).

It is so called because it resembled a red blanket (rattakambala). MNidA.313.

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