1. Pabbata. A Pacceka Buddha, mentioned in a nominal list. M.iii.70.
2. Pabbata. The name of the Bodhisatta in the time of Konāgamana Buddha. He was king of Mithilā and entertained the Buddha and his monks. J.i.43; BuA.9; Bu.xxiv.215.
3. Pabbata. A sage, the chief disciple of Sarabhanga. For details see the Indriya Jātaka. (J.iii.463ff.; see also J.v.133, 151). Pabbata is identified with Anuruddha.
4. Pabbata. A minister of Vattagāmanī, who built a monastery called Pabbatārāma, which he presented to Kupikkala Mahā Tissa. Mhv.xxxiii.91.
5. Pabbata. A Lankāpura who fought against Parakkamabāhu 1. and was captured alive. Cv.lxxv.180, 184.
6. Pabbata. A class of gods (Pabbatā) mentioned with the Nāradas (SN.vs.543). The Commentary says (SNA.ii.435) that they were wise (paññavanto).
Pabbata Vagga. The first chapter of the Bojjhanga Samyutta. S.v.63ff.
1. Pabbata Sutta. The sāla trees on the Himālaya grow in branch, leaf and flower, in bark and shoots, in softwood and pith; similarly the folk in a devout man's house grow in faith, virtue and wisdom. A.i.152.
2. Pabbata Sutta. An aeon is longer than the time taken by a man to waste away a mountain one league high, one long, and one wide, by stroking it once in every hundred years with a Kāsī cloth. S.ii.181.