
1. Mahāsāmi. A name given by his people to Dappula, governor of Rohana and father of Mānavamma. Cv.xlv.50.

2. Mahāsāmi. A title given to Moggallāna, ruler of Rohana, and father of Kitti (afterwards Vijayabhāhu I.). Cv.lvii.30, 49.

3. Mahāsāmi. A Thera of Ceylon, to whom tradition ascribes the authorship of the Mūlasikhā. P.L.C. 77.

4. Mahāsāmi Thera. Author of the new tikā on the Nāmarūpapariccheda. Sās. 69.

5. Mahāsāmi Thera. Author of a tikā on the Subodhālankāra. Gv.62.

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