An Elementary Pali Course

Lesson XI

A. Declension of Nouns ending in "u" and "č"

Bhikkhu, m. mendicant
Nom. bhikkhu bhikkhč, bhikkhavo
Voc. bhikkhu bhikkhč, bhikkhavo, bhikkhave
Acc. bhikkhuµ bhikkhč, bhikkhavo
Instr. bhikkhunŒ bhikkhčbhi, bhikkhčhi
Abl. bhikkhunŒ, bhikkhumhŒ, bhikkhusmŒ bhikkhčbhi, bhikkhčhi
Dat., Gen. bhikkhuno, bhikkhussa bhikkhčnaµ
Loc. bhikkhumhi, bhikkhusmiµ bhikkhčsu
Œyu: n. age
Nom., Voc. Œyu Œyč, Œyuni
Acc. Œyuµ Œyč, Œyuni
The rest like the masculine.
  m. n. m. n.
Nom. -- -- č, avo č, ni
Voc. -- -- č, avo, ave č, ni
Acc. µ µ č, avo č, ni
The rest like the "i" terminations.
Dhenu: f. cow
Nom., Voc. dhenu dhenč, dhenuyo
Acc. dhenuµ dhenč, dhenuyo
Instr., Abl. dhenuyŒ dhenčbhi, dhenčhi
Dat., Gen. dhenuyŒ dhenčnaµ
Loc. dhenuyŒ, dhenuyaµ dhenčsu
Nom., Voc. -- č, yo
Acc. µ č, yo
The rest like "i" terminations.
Abhibhč: m. conqueror
Nom., Voc. abhibhč abhibhč, abhibhuvo
Acc. abhibhuµ abhibhč, abhibhuvo
The rest like bhikkhu.
Sabba––č: m. All-knowing One
Nom., Voc. sabba––č sabba––č, sabba––uno
Acc. sabba–– sabba––č, sabba––uno
The rest like bhikkhu.
Gotrabhč: n. The Sanctified One
Nom., Voc. gotrabhč gotrabhč, gotrabhčni
The rest like bhikkhu.
Vadhč: f. young wife
Nom., Voc. vadhč vadhč, vadhuyo
The rest like dhenu.


Œvuso indec.   friend, brother
Bhante indec.   Lord, Rev. Sir
Cakkhu n.   eye
DŒru n.   wood, fire-wood
D“pa n.   light, lamp
Kata––č m.   grateful person
Kh“ra n.   milk
Kujara m.   elephant
Maccu m.   death
Madhu m.   honey
Paha m.   question
SŒdhukaµ indec.   well
SenŒ f.   army
Tiöa n.   grass
YŒgu m.   rice-gruel
YŒva indec.   till*
TŒva indec.   until*

*Correlatives as long as - so long.

B. Verbs: Imperative and Benedictive Mood (Pacam“)

3rd tu antu
2nd hi tha
1st mi ma
paca: to cook
3rd pacatu pacantu
  may he cook may they cook
2nd paca, pacŒhi pacatha
  may you cook may you cook
1st pacŒmi pacŒma
  may I cook may we cook

This mood is used to express a command or wish, and it corresponds to the Imperative and Benedictive moods.

The vowel preceding "hi", "mi", and "ma" is always lengthened. In the second person there is an additional termination "a".

Idha Œgaccha, come here.
Tvaµ gharasmŒ nikkhamŒhi, you go away from the house.
Tumhe idha ti
ŹŹhatha, you stand here.

Ahaµ Buddho bhavŒmi, may I become a Buddha.
Buddho dhammaµ desetu, let the Buddha preach the Doctrine.

The prohibitive particle "mŒ" is sometimes used with this mood*, e.g., mŒ gaccha, do not go.

*This particle is mostly used with the Aorist 3rd person; e.g.,
mŒ agamŒsi, do not go.
mŒ a
ŹŹhŒsi, do not stand.
mŒ bhu
––ji, do not eat.

Bujjhati (budha)   understands
DhunŒti (dhu)   destroys
Kujjhati (kudha)   gets angry
J“vati (j“va)   lives
Pucchati (puccha)   asks

Exercise 11-A

1. Sabba––č bhikkhčnaµ dhammaµ desetu!
2. Dhenu tiöaµ khŒdatu!
3. Œvuso, aŹaviyŒ dŒruµ ŒharitvŒ aggiµ karohi.
4. Gahapatayo, bhikkhčsu mŒ kujjhatha.
5. Bhikkhave, ahaµ dhammaµ desessŒmi, sŒdhukaµ suöŒtha.
6. "DhunŒtha maccuno senaµ - naĀŒgŒraµ'va kujaro."
7. YŒvŒ'haµ gacchŒmi tŒva idha tiŹŹhatha.
8. Bhikkhč pahaµ sŒdhukaµ bujjhantu!
9. SissŒ, sadŒ kata––č hotha.
10. Kata––uno, tumhe Œyuµ labhitvŒ ciraµ j“vatha!
11. "Dhammaµ pibatha, bhikkhavo."
12. Mayhaµ cakkhčhi pŒpaµ na passŒmi, Bhante.
13. DhenuyŒ kh“raµ gahetvŒ madhunŒ saddhiµ pibŒma.
14. Œvuso, bhikkčnaµ purato mŒ tiŹŹhatha.
15. Bhante, bhikkhumhŒ mayaµ pahaµ pucchŒma.
16. NarŒ ca nŒriyo ca bhikkhčhi dhammaµ sŒdhukaµ sutvŒ pu––aµ katvŒ sugat“su uppajjantu!

Exercise 11-B

1. Let him salute the mendicants!
2. May you live long, O All-knowing One!
3. Do not give grass to the cows in the afternoon.
4. Friend, do not go till I come.
5. Rev. Sirs, may you see no evil with your eyes!
6. Let us sit on the ground and listen to the advice of the Bhikkhus.
7. May you be grateful persons!
8. Let them stay here till we bring firewood from the forest.
9. O young wives, do not get angry with your husbands.
10. May I destroy the army of death!
11. May I drink rice-gruel with honey!
12. May we know your age, O bhikkhu!
13. Do not stand in front of the elephant.
14. O house-holders, treat your mothers and fathers well.
15. Friends, do not offer rice-gruel to the Bhikkhus till we come.
16. Do not drink honey, child.