- 1. Loka Sutta. The origin and continuance of the
world depends on the six senses. S.i.41.
- 2. Loka Sutta. The Buddha tells Pasenadi that
greed, hate and delusion make for trouble and suffering in the world. S.i.98.
- 3. Loka Sutta. The origin and passing away of
the world depend on the senses and their objects. S.ii.73.
- 4. Loka Sutta. The world is so called because it
crumbles away (lujjati). S.iv.52.
- 5. Loka Sutta. Because of eye and object arises
eye consciousness. Thence comes contact, feeling, craving, grasping and
becoming. Thus is the world originated; with their cessation the world ceases.
- 6. Loka Sutta. Anuruddha tells Sāriputta that
his knowledge of the universe is due to the cultivation of the four
satipatthānas. S.v.175.
- 7. Loka Sutta. Anuruddha tells his companions
that he knows the world and its divers shapes and forms through the
satipatthānas. S.v.304.
- 8. Loka Sutta. In this world of many kinds of
beings, the Tathāgata an āriyan. S.v.435.
- 9. Loka Sutta. The world and its arising are
fully known by a Tathāgata and he is released from both; he also knows the
ending of it and the way thereto. He speaks as he does; he is unconquered in
the world. A.ii.23.