King of Uttarakuru.
See Vessavana.
He was once a brahmin called Kuvera and owned a sugar-cane farm, where he worked seven mills. The produce of one mill he gave in charity, and when his profits increased he gave alms for twenty thousand years. After death he was born as one of the Cātummakārājika-devas (DA.iii.966; SNA.i.369f).
In literature the name Kuvera signifies the god of wealth, and his city, ālakamandā, is said to embody all prosperity (E.g., Cv.xxxvii.106; xxxix.5; lxxx.5).
He had nine treasures (Cv.lxxxvii.31; see Hopkins' Epic Mythology, 142f).
The Yakkha Punnaka calls himself the minister of Kuvera (, 325).
Kuvera is mentioned in a list of those who reached heaven through generosity (