Brahmadatta, king of Benares, had two sons. When he died the elder refused the crown and retired into a frontier village. The people there, discovering his identity, offered to pay their taxes to him instead of to the king, and the king, at his request, agreed.

As his power increased, the prince became more covetous and demanded the kingdom, which the younger brother gladly renounced. But the elder's greed was insatiable, and Sakka, to teach him a lesson, came in the guise of a young man and offered to capture for him three cities. The king made up his mind to accept the offer; but, then the young man could not be found, and the king fell ill of greed.

The Bodhisatta, just returned from Takkasilā, heard of this, and having obtained the king's leave to treat him, cured him of this disease by showing him the futility of his wishes. Thereafter the king became a righteous ruler (J.iv.167ff).

The story was told in reference to the brahmin to whom the Kāma Sutta was preached. The Kāmanīta Jātaka was also preached in this connection.

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