1. Daddara Jātaka (No.172).-Once the Bodhisatta was a lion and dwelt with his retinue in Rajataguhā, while in a neighbouring cave lived a jackal. One day, when the lions were roaring and playing about, the jackal tried to imitate them and the lions became silent for very shame.

The story was told in reference to Kokālika who, trying to imitate the eloquence of the learned monks of Manosilā, failed miserably. The jackal is identified with Kokālika. J.ii.65ff.

2. Daddara Jātaka (No.304).-Once the Bodhisatta was born among the Nāgas in Daddarapabbata. He was called Mahādaddara, his father being Sūradaddara and his brother Culladaddara. Culladaddara was passionate and cruel and teased the Nāga maidens; the king wished to expel him, but he was saved by Mahādaddara. But at last the king was very angry and sent them both for three years to Benares. There the boys ill-treated them, but when Culladaddara tried to kill them his brother urged him to practise patience.

The story was related in reference to a choleric monk who is identified with Culladaddara. J.iii.15ff.

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