
Appendix 7
Appendix to Chapter 20

     Summary of Akusala Cetasikas

Summarizing the fourteen akusala cetasikas, they are:

1) ignorance (moha)    arising
2) shamelessness (ahirika)     with all
3 recklessness or fear of blame (anottappa)  akusala
4) restlessness (uddhacca)     cittas
5)  attachment (lobha), arising with eight types of citta, the cittas which are lobha-mula-cittas, cittas rooted in attachment.
6) wrong view (ditthi), arising with four types of cittas rooted in attachment.
7)  conceit (mana), arising with the four types of cittas rooted in attachment which are unaccompanied by wrong view.
8) aversion (dosa), arising with two types of citta, the cittas which are dosa-mula-cittas, cittas rooted in aversion.
9) envy (issa)   may or may not arise with
10) stinginess (macchariya) the two types of citta
11) regret (kukkucca)  rooted in aversion, but may (or may not) arise with four types
12) sloth (thina)   of citta rooted in attachment which
13) torpor (middha)  are “prompted”, and with one type of citta rooted in aversion which is prompted. Sloth and torpor always arise together.
14) doubt (vicikiccha)  arising with one type of moha-mula-citta, citta rooted in ignorance

Summary of the Akusala cittas and their accompanying Cetasikas

1) citta rooted in attachment (lobha-mula-citta), accompanied by pleasant feeling, with wrong view, unprompted, is accompanied by: 7 universals, 6 particulars, the 4 akusala cetasikas arising with every akusala citta, which are ignorance, shamelessness, recklessness and  restlessness, and by attachment and wrong view, thus, by 19 cetasikas.

2) citta rooted in attachment, accompanied by indifferent feeling, without wrong view, unprompted, is accompanied by: 7 universals, 6 particulars, by the 4 akusala cetasikas arising with every akusala citta, by attachment and wrong view, and it may or may not be accompanied by sloth and torpor, thus by 19 or 21 cetasikas

3) citta rooted in attachment, accompanied by pleasant feeling, with every akusala citta, by attachment and wrong the same cetasikas as the third type, and in addition, it  may or may not be accompanied by sloth and torpor. Thus, it can be accompanied by 18 cetasikas if sloth, torpor and conceit do not arise, by 19 if conceit arises, by 20 if sloth and torpor arise but no conceit, or by 21 cetasikas if sloth, torpor and conceit arise.

4) citta rooted in attachment, accompanied by pleasant feeling, with wrong view, prompted, is accompanied by the same cetasikas as the third type, and in addition, it may or may not be accompanied by sloth and torpor. Thus, it can be accompanied by 18 cetasikas if sloth, torpor and conceit do not arise, by 19 if conceit arises, by 20 if sloth and torpor arise but no conceit, or by 21 cetasikas if sloth, torpor and conceit arise.

5) citta rooted in attachment, accompanied by indifferent feeling, with wrong view, unprompted, is accompanied by: 7 universals, 5 particulars (less enthusiasm, piti), the 4 akusala cetasika arising with every akusala citta, by attachment and wrong view, thus, is cetasikas.

6) citta rooted in attachment, accompanied by indifferent feeling, with wrong view, prompted, is accompanied by: the same types of cetasikas (18) as the fifth type of citta rooted in attachment, but , sloth and torpor my or may not arise, thus, by 18 or 20 cetasikas.

7) citta rooted in attachment, accompanied by indifferent feeling, without wrong view, prompted, is accompanied the same types of cetasikas as the fifth type of citta rooted in attachment, but not by wrong view, thus by 17 and moreover, sloth and torpor may types of cetasikas; however, conceit may or may not arise, thus, by 17 or 18 cetasikas.

8) citta rooted in attachment, accompanied by indifferent feeling, without wrong view, unprompted, is accompanied by  rooted in attachment, and moreover, sloth and torpor may or may not arise; thus, by at least 17 cetasikas, or, if conceit arises, by 18 cetasikas ; by 19 cetasikas if sloth and torpor arise but no conceit, by 20 cetasikas if conceit, sloth and torpor arise.

9) citta rooted in aversion (dosa-mula-citta), accompanied by unpleasant feeling, unprompted is accompanied by: 7 universals, 5 particulars (less enthusiasm), the 4 akusala cetasikas arising with every akusala citta and by aversion, thus, by at least 17 cetasikas. Moreover, envy, stinginess or regret may or may not arise; if they arise the do so one at a time, and thus, this type of citta may be accompanied by 17 or 18 cetasikas.

10) citta rooted in aversion , accompanied by unpleasant by feeling, prompted, is accompanied by the same types of cetasikas as the ninth type of citta, thus, by 17 or 18 cetasikas, and moreover, sloth and torpor may or may not arise. If they arise the citta can be accompanied by 19 or 20 cetasikas.

11) citta rooted in ignorance, accompanied by indifferent feeling, associated with doubt, is accompanied by: 7 universals, 3 particulars (no enthusiasm, determination and wish-to-do) and the four akusala cetasikas arising with every akusala citta, and doubt, thus, by 15 cetasikas.

12) citta rooted in ignorance, accompanied by indifferent feeling, associated with restlessness (uddhacca-sampayutta). is accompanied by: 7 universals, 4 particulars (no enthusiasm and wish-to-do) and the four akusala cetasikas arising with every akusala citta, thus, by 15 cetasikas.

