
Appendix 6
Appendix to Chapter 12

     The cittas accompanied by chanda, zeal or wish-to-do: Chanda can be of all four jatis, but as regards the jati which is vipaka, chanda accompanies only maha-vipakacittas, not ahetuka vipakacittas; as regards the jati which it kiriya, chanda accompanies only maha-kiriyacittas, not ahetuka kiriyacittas. Out of the eighty-nine cittas, twenty cittas are not accompanied by chanda: the two types of moha-mula-citta and the eighteen ahetuka cittas. 

     Summarizing the cittas which are accompanied by chanda, they are the following , when cittas are counted as eighty-nine:

10 akusala cittas
24 kammavacara sobhana cittas
15 rupkavacara cittas
12 arupavacara cittas
8 lokuttara cittas
-altogether 69 cittas

When lokuttara cittas accompanied by the jhana-factors of the different stages of jhana are taken into account, there are forty lokuttara cittas instead of eight. In that case there are hundred and-one cittas accompanied by chanda.

