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The cittas which are accompanied by viriya are: all akusala cittas and
all sobhana cittas, which include sobhana cittas of the sense-sphere, rupavacara
cittas, arupavacara cittas and lokuttara cittas. Moreover, out of the eighteen
types of ahetuka cittas there are two types which are accompanied by viriya:
the mano-dvaravajjana-citta which in the sense-door process performs
the function of determining the object (votthapana) and in the mind-door
process the function of adverting to the object, and the hasituppada-citta
which causes smiling in the case of arahats. The other sixteen types of
ahetuka cittas are not accompanied by viriya. Thus, 16 types of citta out
of 89 cittas are not accompanied by viriya. Altogether there are 73 types
of citta accompanied by viriya.
The patisandhi-citta, the bhavanga-citta and the cuti-citta are not accompanied
by viriya if their functions are performed by santirana-citta (two types,
one kusala vipaka and one akusala vipaka)1. If their functions are performed
by maha-vipakacitta
they are accompanied
by viriya.
Summarizing the cittas which are accompanied by viriya, they are
12 akusala
2 ahetuka
8 maha-kusala
8 maha-vipakacittas
8 maha-kiriyacittas
5 rupavacara
kusala cittas
5 rupavacara
5 rupavacara
4 arupavacara
4 arupavacara
4 arupavacara
8 lokuttaracittas
-----altogether 73
When lokuttara cittas accompanied by the jhana-factors of the different
stages of jhana are taken into account, there are forty lokuttara cittas
instead of eight; thus, in that case there ate hundred-and-five cittas
accompanied by viriya.
1 Abhidhamma in Daily
Life, Chapter 11