
Appendix 3
Appendix to Chapter 8

     The cittas which are accompanied by vitakka and vicara: 

     Both vitakka and vicara arise with 44 kamavacara cittas, the ten dvi-pancavinnanas are excluded.

     As regards jhanacittas, vitakka accompanies only the three rupavacara cittas of the first stage of jhana, whereas vicara accompanies the three rupavacara cittas of the first stage of jhana and the three rupavacara cittas of the second stage of jhana (of the five-fold system), thus, altogether six rupavacara cittas. In the cases that the function of patisandhi is performed by rupavacara vipakacitta, the citta is not always accompanied by vitakka and vicara. The rupavacara vipakacitta of the second stage of jhana (of the five-fold system) is not accompanied by vitakka, but it accompanied by vicara. The rupavacara vipakacittas of the subsequent stages of jhana are not accompanied by vipaka nor by citta. As regards arupavacara cittas, they are of the same type of citta as the rupavacara cittas of the fifth stage of rupa-jhana, thus, they are not accompanied by vitakka nor by vicara. 

     When lokuttara jhanacittas, lokuttara cittas accompanied by jhana-factors of the different stages of jhana, are taken into account there are forty lokuttara cittas instead of eight. Among these there are eight lokuttara cittas accompanied by the jhana-factors of the first stage of jhana, thus these are accompanied by both vitakka and citta. The lokuttara cittas accompanied by the jhana-factors of the second stage of jhana (of the five-fold system) are accompanied by vicara but not by vitakka. The lokuttara citta accompanied by the jhana.factors of the higher stages of jhana are without vicara, since vicara has been abandoned at those stages. Thus, there are sixteen lokuttara cittas accompanied by vicara. When cittas are counted as 121 (including forty lokuttara cittas), vitakka accompanies:

44  kammavacara cittas
3   rupavacara cittas
8   lokuttara cittas 
-altogether 55 cittas

     As regards vicara, this cetasika accompanies:

44  kamavacara cittas
6  rupavacara cittas
16  lokuttara cittas
-altogether 66 cittas
