1. Candana.-A deva, vassal of the Four Regent Gods (D.ii.258). He is mentioned as one of the chief Yakkhas to be invoked by followers of the Buddha in case of need (D.iii.204). He once visited Lomasakangiya at the Nigrodhārāma, questioned him regarding the True Saint, and recited to him stanzas learnt when the Buddha preached the Bhaddekaratta Sutta in Tāvatimsa (M.iii.199f) (but see below). The Samyutta Nikāya (S.i.53) records a conversation between Candana and the Buddha and a visit paid by Candana to Mahā Moggallāna (S.iv.280).

Buddhaghosa (MA.ii.951) says he was an upāsaka in the time of Kassapa Buddha and offered the four requisites to the Buddha and the monks, as a result of which he became a deva. It is elsewhere stated that in Kassapa's time Candana and Lomasakangiya were friends and that both became monks. (ThagA.i.84f. In this version not Candana, but Lomasakangiya, expounds the Sutta; in M.iii.199f.it is Candana).

When Kassapa preached the Bhaddekaratta Sutta, Candana asked Lomasakangiya to explain it; this he was unable to do, and so made a wish that he should be able to explain it in a future birth, Candana wishing that he should then ask the questions again. Both wishes were fulfilled. For details see Lomasakangiya (2).

2. Candana Thera.-He belonged to a rich family in Sāvatthi, and having heard the Buddha preach, became a sotāpanna. When a son was born to him he joined the Order and took to meditating in the forest. Later he dwelt in a charnel-field near Sāvatthi. There he was visited by his wife and child who hoped to win him back, but, seeing them from afar, he made a special effort and became an arahant, preaching to his wife as she approached (Thag.vs.299-302; ThagA.i.395f).

Thirty-one kappas ago he was a tree-sprite, and having seen the Pacceka Buddha Sudassana, gave him a kutaja-flower. He is probably identical with Kutajapupphiya Thera of the Apaddna. (ii.451; the same verses are also ascribed to Hārita).

3. Candana.-A monk of ninety-one kappas ago to whom Upāhanadāyaka made a gift of a pair of sandals. Ap.i.228.

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