Pali Proper Names -
C -
- Cīna
- Cīnamāla.-See Cinnamāla below.
- Ciñcā-mānavikā
- Cinnamāla.-A king of fifty thousand kappas ago, a former birth of
Kassapa Thera (or Sereyyaka) (ThagA.i.178; Ap.i.155). v.l. Cinamāla.
- Cintāmanī, Cintāmanikā
- Cintā-Sutta
- Cīrā
- Ciragumba.-The residence of Ambakhādaka-Mahātissa; it was probably
a monastery. Vsm.43.
- Cīramātikā.-An irrigation canal, the taxes from which King Mahānāga
gave to the Mahāvihāra (Cv.xli.100). The canal probably led out of the
- Cīravāpi.-A tank in Ceylon built by King Mahāsena. Mhv.xxxvii.49.
- Ciravāsī.-The son of Bhadragaka. Bhadragaka visited the Buddha and
told him that he was always anxiously waiting for news of Ciravāsī, who was
away at school. S.iv.329; SA.iii.103.
- Citakanibbāpaka Thera.-An arahant. Thirty-one kappas ago he
sprinkled perfumed water on the pyre of Vessabhū Buddha and so extinguished it
(Ap.ii.408). He is probably identical with Abhibhūta Thera. ThagA.i.372f.
- Citakapūjaka Thera
- Citrā.-The name of certain Supannas.
- Citta
- Cittā
- Cittacūla.-A tortoise. For details see the
Bhūridatta Jātaka.
- Cittadassī.-A mythical king, descendant of Mahāsammata. Dpv.iii.41.
- Cittāgāra-Vagga.-The fifth chapter of the Bhikkhunī Pācittiya.
- Cittagutta-Thera
- Cittahatthisāriputta Sutta
- Cittaka-Thera
- Cittakuta
- Cittakūta-dvārakotthaka.-The entrance to Tāvatimsa; it formed a
door into Sudassanagiri and was surrounded by images of Indra.
- Cittakūtalatāvana.-See Cittalatāvana.
- Cittalapabbata
- Cittalapabbata-Tissa
- Cittalatā-Vagga.-The second chapter of the Vimāna Vatthu.
- Cittalatāvana
- Cittalatāvimāna-Vatthu.-The story of a poor man who looked after
his parents, refusing to marry, and engaged in various acts of piety. After
death he was born in a twelve-league vimāna in Tāvatimsa. Vv.vii.1; VvA.299f.
- Cittapariyādāna-Sutta.-The monk with a corrupt mind cannot achieve
his purpose; the monk with a pure, well-directed mind, can. A.i.6f.
- Cittapassa.-A cave wherein Pandukābhaya, in the presence of his
people, presented his consort, the Yakkhinī Cetiyā. MT.290.
- Cittapātali
- Cittapatta
- Cittāpokkharanī.-A bathing pond in the Dīpuyyāna, erected by
Parakkamabāhu I. It was adorned with gay pictures, hence, probably, the name.
- Cittarāja
- Cittaratha.-A park in Tāvatimsa. Thig.374; ThigA.i.247; Mtu.i.32,
149, etc.; Divy.194.
- Cittasālā.-A hall in Anurādhapura to the east of Thūpārāma, within
sight of the Bodhi-tree. The body of Sanghamittā, as desired by her, was
cremated near the hall and a thūpa was erected over the remains. Mhv.xx.52.
- Citta-Sambhūta Jātaka (No.498)
- Citta-Samyutta.-The sixty-first section of the Samyutta Nikāya
(S.iv.281-305). It contains records of discussions by Cittagahapati of
- Cittasena
- Citta-Sutta.-Preached in answer to a question by a deva. The world
is led by thought (citta) and plagued by it. S.i.39; cf. A.ii.177.
- Citta-Vagga.-The third chapter of the Dhammapada.
- Cittupatthānapāsāda.-A hall within the precincts of the king's
palace in Anurādhapura, where the people waited on the monks with gifts. Here
King Bhātika provided gifts for the monks. Mhv.xxxiv.65; MT.633.
- Cīvara.-A teacher in Burma who wrote a tika to Janghadāsa (sic)
(Gv.64). Elsewhere (Gv.67, 74) the same work is ascribed to Vajira.
- Cīvaracetiya.-A monastery in Ceylon. Kitti, queen of Mahinda IV.,
built three bathing-tanks there. Cv.liv.51.
- Cīvarakkhandha.-The eighth chapter of the Mahāvagga of the Vinaya
Pitaka. Vin.i.268ff
- Cīvara-Sutta
- Coda.-See Cola.
- Codanā-Sutta
- Codanāvatthu
- Codanāvatthu-bhānavāra.-The twenty-seventh section of the third
Khandaka of the Mahāvagga of the Vinaya.
- Cokkha-brāhmana
- Cola
- Colā.-The people of Cola.
- Colaganga
- Colagangādeva.-A Damila chief, conquered by Bhuvanekabāhu I.
- Colagangakumāra.-A son of Gajabāhu. Cv.lxx.238.
- Colakonāra.-A Damila chief, ally of Kulasekhara. He was slain by
the forces of Parakkamabāhu I (Cv.lxxvi.145, 163). There may have been more
than one of this name. See ibid., vs.181, 188; lxxvii, 77, 86.
- Colakulantaka.-A village in South India. Cv.lxxvii.53, 60.
- Colarāja.-A minister of Kassapa V. He repaired a parivena in the
Mahāvihāra which had been destroyed. Cv.lii.34.
- Colatirikka.-A Damila chief, ally of Kulasekhara. Cv.lxxvii.78.
- Coliya-Dīpankara. See Dīpankara.
- Corābhaya
- Corakamahā-vihāra.-A vihāra in Ceylon, the residence of Mahāmitta.
In the vihāra was the Kurandaka-Cave (q.v.). Vsm.38.
- Corakandaka.-See Korandaka.
- Corambāgāma.-A village in Rohana. Cv.lxxv.15.
- Coranāga
- Cora-Sutta
- Coriyassara.-A village in Ceylon. VibhA.447.
- Cūla-Assapura Sutta
- Cūlābhaya
- Cūlābhayasumana
- Cūla-Buddhaghosa.-An author of Ceylon to whom the Gandhavamsa
(pp.63, 67; see P.L.C.126) ascribes a work entitled Jātattagīnidāna, probably
a Jātaka Commentary, and a Sotattagīnidāna.
- Cūlabyūha.-See Cūlavyūha.
- Cūlaccharāsanghāta Sutta
- Cūla-Cunda.-See Cunda (2).
- Cūladeva.-A Thera, an eminent teacher of the Vinaya. Vin.v.3;
- Cūla-Dhammapāla.-Senior pupil of Ananda Vanaratana and author of
the Saccasankhepa (Gv.60, 70; P.L.C.113, 203f) and of an anu-tīkā to the
Abhidhamma-Mūla-tīkā. Ibid., 211f.
- Cūla-Dhammasamādāna Sutta
- Cūla-Dukkhakkhandha Sutta
- Cūla-Ekasātaka.-See Ekasātaka.
- Cūlagallaka-Vihāra.-A monastery built by Cūlābhaya on the bank of
the Gonaka-nadī to the south of Anurādhapura (Mhv.xxxv.13). Attached to it was
a Padhānaghara, built by Aggabodhi II. Cv.xlii.49.
- Cūlagana.-One of the three chief buildings of the Upāsikā Vihāra,
built by Devānampiyatissa. It came to be called the Kūpayatthi-thapita-ghara.
Mhv.xix.68f.; MT.409.
- Cūlagandhāra-vijjā.-See
- Cūla-Ganthipada.-A work on the Vinaya, attributed to Moggallāna and
used by the Ekamsikas in their Pārupana-controversy. Bode, op. cit., 76.
- Cūla-Gavaccha Thera
- Cūla-Gopālaka Sutta
- Cūla-Gosinga Sutta
- Cūlahatthipadopama Sutta
- Cūla-Jālī.-A Pacceka Buddha mentioned in a list of these. M.iii.70;
- Cūla-Janaka Jātaka (No.52).-The stories, both past and present, are
the same as in the Mahā Janaka Jātaka (q.v.). J.i.268
- Cūla-Kāla
- Cūla-kammavibhanga Sutta
- Cūlaka-Thera
- Cūla-Māgandiya.-Brother of the brahmin Māgandiya. He took charge of
Māgandiyā when her parents renounced the world and escorted her to Kosambī,
where she was presented at the court of Udena and became the latter's wife.
DhA.i.202f; AA.i.236.
- Cūla-Mālunkya Sutta
- Cūlāmanicetiya
- Cūla-Moggallāna.-See Moggallāna II.
- Cūlanāga
- Cūlanāgā.-An arahant Therī, mentioned as an eminent teacher of the
Vinaya in Ceylon. Dpv.xviii.38.
- Cūlanāgalena.-A cave in Ceylon (Tambapanni). It was once the abode
of five hundred monks, all of whom won arahantship, by meditating in that
spot. Vsm.127.
- Cūlanāgapabbata.-A vihāra built in the Huvācakannikā (in Rohana),
by King Mahādāthika-Mahānāga. Mhv.xxxiv.90.
- Cūlanagaragāma
- Cūlanganiyapitthi.-A locality in Rohana. There a battle was fought
between Dutthagāmani and his brother, Tissa, when Gāmani was defeated and
forced to flee. Mhv.xxxiv.19; see also xxxii.31f.; and AA.i.365.
- Cūlani-Brahmadatta
- Cūla-Nidāna Sutta.-Probably another name for the
Nidāna Sutta of the Samyutta Nikāya. Referred to
in MA.i.225; VibbA.267.
- Cūlapanthaka-Thera
- Cūlapāsāda.-See Dīghasandana.
- Cūlapindapātika-Nāga.-A monk of Nalakhandapadhāna. See
- Cūlapunnama-Sutta.-Preached to the monks assembled on a full-moon
night at the Migārāmātupāsāda. The sutta teaches how it is possible to tell a
bad man and a good man through their conduct. M.iii.20ff
- Cūla-Rahulovāda Sutta
- Cūlaratha.-A devaputta in Tāvatimsa who excelled Sakka in glory.
- Cūlarathavimānavatthu.-The story of Prince
Sujāta, son of the Assaka king (Vv.v.13;
VvA.259ff). He was born in Tāvatimsa, and Cūlaratha may have been his name
there. See Sujāta.
- Cūlarattha.-A district in India, near Benares. Ras.i.36.
- Cūla-Saccaka Sutta
- Cūla-Sakuladāyi Sutta
- Cūlasamudda
- Cūlasāri Thera
- Cūlasāropama Sutta
- Cūla-Sīhanāda Sutta
- Cūla-Sīva
- Cūlasubhaddā
- Cūlasudhamma
- Cūlasugandha Thera
- Cūlasumana
- Cūlasumanā.-A Therī of Ceylon, an eminent teacher of the Vinaya.
- Cūlasumma
- Cūla-Suññatā Sutta.-Preached to
Ananda at the Migāramātupāsāda. True solitude is not to be found in
forest-dwelling nor in the concentration of heart away from all ideas, but in
attaining to deliverance from the āsavas. M.iii.104ff
- Cūlatanhāsankhaya Sutta
- Cūlatissa
- Cūla-Tissa.-Probably a Commentator. He is called Uruvelavāsi, and
is quoted in the Samyutta Commentary in reference to a discussion on
phassavedanā. SA.ii.100.
- Cūla-Vagga
- Cūlavajira.-A grammarian, author of a work called Atthabyakkhyāna.
Gv.60; but see p.70, where it is ascribed to Cūlavimalabuddhi.
- Cūlavamsa
- Cūlavāpiyagāma.-A village given by Aggabodhi VIII. for the
maintenance of Rājasālavihāra. Cv.xlix.47.
- Cūlavedalla Sutta
- Cūlavimalabuddhi.-See Cūlavajira, also Navavimalabuddhi.
- Cūlavitthi.-See Hulavitthi.
- Cūlaviyūha-Sutta
- Cūlayamaka-Vagga.-The fifth chapter of the Majjhima Nikāya.
- Culla.-"the Minor," equivalent of " Cūla.
- Culla-Anāthapindika
- Cullabodhi Jātaka (No.443)
- Cullacārī.-See Cullasārī.
- Culladaddara.-A Nāga, brother of Mahādaddara (the Bodhisatta), and
son of Sūradaddara. For details see the Daddara Jātaka.
- Culla-Dhammapāla Jātaka
- Culla-Dhanuggaha
- Culla-Dhanuggaha Jātaka (No.374)
- Cullagalla.-A village and a vihāra near the Jajjaranadī. For the
story of a pious man who lived in the village see Ras.ii.152f.
- Cullahamsa-Jātaka (No.533)
- Cullakāla.-A mountain in Himavā which must be crossed in order to
reach Gandhamādana (SNA.i.66) and the Chaddanta-Lake (J.v.38).
- Culla-Kālinga.-Younger son of Kālinga, king of Dantapura. He became
an ascetic, but later married the daughter of the Madda king, by whom he had a
son Kālinga who became a Cakka-vatti (J.iv.230ff). For details see the
Kālinga-Bodhi Jātaka.
- Cullakālinga-Jātaka (No.301)
- Culla-Kammāsadamma.-A village in the Kampilla kingdom which arose
on the settlement given by Jayaddisa to his brother, the man-eating ogre,
after the latter became an ascetic (J.v.35). For details see the Jayaddisa
- Culla-Kañcakunda.-A Damila chief of
South India who fought against the forces of Parakkamabāhu 1. but was later
subdued (Cv.lxxvi.185, 217, 220, 305). The name is closely connected with that
of the districts of Kañcakudiya and Kañcakudiyarājā (Cv.lxxvi.124, 130).
- Cullakasetthi.-The Bodhisatta, born as a Treasurer in Benares. See
the Cullakasetthi Jātaka.
- Cullakasetthi-Jātaka (No.4)
- Culla-Kokālika.-See Kokālika (2).
- Culla-Kokanadā.-The younger of the two daughters of Pajunna, both
of whom were called Kokanadā. She visited the Buddha at the Kutāgārasālā in
Vesāli and questioned him. S.i.30.
- Culla-Kunāla-Jātaka (No.464)
- Culla-Kunāla-Vagga.-The fifth section of the Catukka-nipāta of the
Jātakatthakathā. J.iii.132-52.
- Culla-Lohita.-An ox, brother of the Bodhisatta, Mahā-Lohita. He is
identified with Ananda. See the Munika Jātaka.
- Cullanāgatittha.-A ford in the Mahāvālukagangā. Cv.lxxii.34.
- Cullanandaka.-See Cullanandiya below.
- Cullanandaka-Jātaka.-See Cullanandiya below.
- Cullanandikā.-Talatādevī is identified with Cullanandikā (
in the present age, but nothing further seems to be known of the latter.
- Cullanandiya.-A monkey, brother of Nandiya, the Bodhisatta. See the
Cullanandiya Jātaka. He is identified
with Ananda. v.l. Cullanandaka.
- Cullanandiya-Jātaka (No.222)
- Cullanārada-Jātaka (No.477)
- Culla-Niddesa.-See Niddesa.
- Cullantevāsika.-A youth of good family who, as related in the
Cullakasetthi Jātaka, earned money by
his wits, after having listened to the counsel of Cullakasetthi. He is
identified with Cullapanthaka. J.i.120f.
- Cullapaduma-Jātaka (No.193)
- Cullapāla.-Son of Mahāsuvanna and brother of
Cakkhupāla Thera. DhA.i.2.
- Cullapalobhana-Jātaka (No.263)
- Cullapantha.-A parivena built, probably, by a Damila chief in the
reign of Aggabodhi IV. Cv.xlvi.24.
- Cullapanthaka.-See Cūlapanthaka.
- Cullapindapātika-Tissa
- Cullapindapātiya(°pātika)-Tissa
- Culla-Punna
- Culla-Rohita.-An ox belonging to a brahmin. DhA.iv.160.
- Cullasangha.-Brother of Kākavannatissa’s minister Sangha (q.v.).
- Cullasubhaddā
- Cullasūka Jātaka (No.430)
- Cullasutasoma-Jātaka (No.525)
- Cullatāpasa.-Nārada, the son of the Bodhisatta in the
Culla-Nāradākassapa Jātaka, is
referred to by this title. J.i.416.
- Cullatavālagāma.-A village probably on the Mahāvālukanadī. See
- Culla-Tundila.-A pig, brother of the Bodhisatta. For details see
the Tundila Jātaka.
- Cullavanavannanā.-The section of the Vessantara Jātaka which
describes Jūjaka's journey through the forest to Vessantara's hermitage.
- Cullupatthāka.-See Culladhanuggaha.
- Cūlodara
- Cumbatakalaha.-The name given (e.g., J.i.208) to the quarrel
between the Sākiyans and the Koliyans about the water of the
- Cunda
- Cundaka.-See Cunda (2).
- Cunda-Sūkarika
- Cunda-Sutta
- Cundatthīla
- Cundī (Sutta)
- Cunnasālā.-A district in Rohana. Cv.lvii.46, 57.