1. Bhikkhu Sutta. Gains, favours and flattery are a danger even to an arahant unless the freedom of his will is unshakable. S.ii.238.
2. Bhikkhu Sutta. Once Moggallāna and Lakkkhana saw a Bhikkhu, born as a peta, going through the air, his body, robes, etc., on fire. He had been a sinful monk in the time of Kassapa Buddha. S.ii.260.
3. Bhikkhu Sutta. A monk asks for a teaching in brief and the Buddha tells him that that for which a monk has bias, by that is he reckoned (i.e., he has to give up all bias). The monk dwells in solitude, reflecting on this, and becomes an arahant. S.iii.34f.
4. Bhikkhu Sutta. Ignorance consists in ignorance of the nature of the body, its arising, its cessation and the way thereto; wisdom is wisdom with regard to these things. The same with the other khandhas. S.iii.162f.
5. Bhikkhu Sutta. The Buddha agrees with a group of monks that if when questioned by other sectarians as to the object of their holiness, they answer that it is the full knowledge of dukkha, their answer is right; he proceeds to tell them what should be their answer if questioned as to what is dukkha. S.iv.50f.
6. Bhikkhu Sutta. The Buddha tells a monk about feelings, their arising and cause, their cessation and the way thereto, etc. S.iv.232.
7. Bhikkhu Sutta. A monk asks for a teaching in brief, and the Buddha tells him that he must have truly pure virtue and straight view. Standing on sure virtue, he should cultivate the four satipatthānas; thus will he reach his goal. The monk follows this teaching and becomes an arahant. S.v.142f.
8. Bhikku Sutta. It is by cultivating the four iddhi-pādas that a monk destroys the āsavas. S.v.284.
9. Bhikkhu Sutta. See Bhaya Sutta (6).
10. Bhikkhu Sutta. The Buddha tells the monks at Gijjhakūta of seven things, the maintenance of which among the monks will conduce to their progress and save them from desire. A.iv.216.
11. Bhikkhu Sutta. See also Bhikkhū Sutta.