1. Bhīmaratha. One of the vassal kings of Dandakī who sinned against Kisavaccha. When Dandakī and his kingdom were destroyed, Kālinga, Atthaka and Bhīmaratha, in the company of Sakka, sought Sarabhanga. Sarabhanga preached to them and they became free from sensuality. J.v.135, 137, 149.
2. Bhīmaratha. A king and a city of the same name. Siddhattha Buddha preached to the king, and ninety crores of beings understood the Truth. Bu.xvii.4; BuA.186.
3. Bhīmaratha. A king of seventy seven kappas ago, a previous birth of Sīrivaddha (Kinkinipupphiya) Thera. Ap.i.204; ThagA.i.107.