Pali Proper Names
- P.T.S. means published by the Pāli Text Society.
- SHB. means published in the Simon Hewavitarne Bequest Series (Colombo).
A=Anguttara Nikaya, 5 vols. (P.T.S.).
- AA.=Manorathapūranī, Anguttara Commentary, 2 vols. (S.H.B.).
- AbhS.=Abhidhammatthasangaha (P.T.S. Journal, 1884).
- Anāgat.=Anāgatavamsa (P.T.S. Journal, 1886).
- Ap.=Apadāna, 2 vols. (P.T.S.).
- ApA.=Apadāna Commentary (S.H.B.).
- AvS.=Avadāna Sataka, ed. Speyer (Bibl. Buddhica).
- Barua: History of Pre-Buddhist Indian Philosophy
- Beal: Romantic Legend of the Buddha (Kegan Paul).
- Beal: Buddhist Records of the Western World (Kegan Paul).
- Bode: The Pali Literature of Burma (R.A.S.).
- Brethren=Psalms of the Brethren, by Mrs. Rhys Davids (P.T.S.).
- Bu.=Buddhavamsa (P.T.S.).
- BuA.=Buddhavamsa Commentary (S.H.B.).
- CAGI. =Cunningham's Anct. Geography of India, ed. Majumdar
- CNid.=Culla-Niddesa (P.T.S.).
- Codrington: Short History of Ceylon.
- Compendium=Compendium of Philosophy (P.T.S.).
- Cv.=Cūlavamsa, ed. Geiger, 2 vols. (P.T.S.).
- Cv.Trs.=Cūlavamsa, translated by Geiger, 2 vols. (P.T.S.).
- Cyp.=Cariyāpitaka (P.T.S.).
- CypA.=Cariyāpitaka Commentary (S.H.B.).
- D.=Digha Nikaya, 3 vols. (P.T.S.).
- DA.=Sumangala Vilāsinī, 3 vols. (P.T.S.).
- Dāth.=Dāthāvamsa (P.T.S. Journal, 1884).
- DhA.=Dhammapadatthakathā, 5 vols. (P.T.S.).
- DhS.=Dhammasangani (P.T.S.).
- DhSA.=Atthasālinī (P.T.S.).
- Dial.=Dialogues of the Buddha, 3 vols. (Oxford).
- Dpv.=Dipavamsa, ed. Oldenberg (Williams and Norgate).
- Dvy.=Divyāvadāna, ed. Cowell and Neill (Cambridge).
- Ep. Zey.=Epigraphia Zeylanica (Oxford).
- ERE.=Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics.
- Giles: Travels of Fa Hsien (Cambridge).
- GS.=Gradual Sayings, 5 vols. (P.T.B.).
- Gv.=Gandhavamsa (P.T.S. Journal, 1886).
- I.H.Q.=Indian Historical Quarterly (Calcutta).
- Ind. An. =Indian Antiquary.
- Itv.=Itivuttaka (P.T.S.).
- ItvA.=Itivuttaka Commentary (P.T.S.).
- J.=Jātaka, ed. Fausboll, 5 vols.
- JA. =Journal Asiatique.
- J.P.T.S. =Journal of the Pali Text Society.
- J.R.A.S. =Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society.
- KhpA.=Khuddakapātha Commentary (P.T.S.).
- KS.=Kindred Sayings, 5 vols. (P.T.S.).
- Kvu.=Kathāvatthu (P.T.S.).
- Lal.=Lalita Vistara, ed. S. Lefmann.
- Law: Ksatriya Clans in Buddhist India.
- Law: Geography of Early Buddhism.
- M.=Majjhima Nikaya, 3 vols. (P.T.S.).
- MA.=Papañca Sūdanī, Majjhima Commentary, 2 vols. (Aluvihāa
Series, Colombo).
- Mbv.=Mahābodhivamsa (P.T.S.).
- Mhv.=Mahāvamsa, ed. Geiger (P.T.S.).
- Mhv. Trs.=Mahāvamsa Translation, by Geiger (P.T.S.).
- Mil.=Milindapañha, ed. Trenckner (Williams and Norgate).
- MNid.=Mahā Niddesa, 2 vols. (P.T.S.).
- MNidA.=Mahā Niddesa Commentary (S.H.B.).
- MT.=Mahāvamsa Tika (P.T.B.).
- Mtu.=Mahāvastu, ed. Senart, 3 vols.
- Netti.=Nettippakarana (P.T.S.).
- NidA. See MNidA.
- NPD.=P.T.S. Pali-English Dictionary.
- PHAI. =Political History of Anct. India, by Chaudhuri, 2nd.
ed. (Calcutta).
- P.L.C. =The Pali Literature of Ceylon, by Malalasekera (R.A.S.).
- PS.=Patisambhidāmagga, 2 vols. (P.T.S.).
- PSA.=Patisambhidāmagga Commentary (S.H.B.).
- Pug. =Puggalapaññatti (P.T.S.).
- Pv.=Petavatthu (P.T.S.).
- PvA.=Petavatthu Commentary (P.T.S.).
- Rockhill: Life of the Buddha (Kegan Paul).
- S.=Samyutta Nikaya, 5 vols. (P.T.S.).
- SA.=Sāratthappakāsinī, Samyutta Commentary.
- SadS.=Saddhammasangaha (P.T.S. Journal, 1890).
- Sās.=Sāsanavamsa (P.T.S.).
- Sisters=Psalms of the Sisters, by Mrs. Rhys Davids (P.T.S.).
- Sp.=Samantapāsādikā, 4 vols. (P.T.B.).
- SN.=Sutta Nipata (P.T.S.).
- SNA.=Sutta Nipāta Commentary, 2 vols. (P.T.S.).
- Svd.=Sāsanavamsadipa, by Vimalasāra Thera (Colombo, 1929).
- Thag.=Theragāthā (P.T.S.).
- ThagA.=Theragāthā Commentary, 2 vols. (S.H.B.).
- Thig.=Therigāthā (P.T.S.).
- ThigA=Therīgāhā Commentary (P.T.S.).
- Thomas: The Life of Buddha (Kegan Paul).
- Ud.=Udāna (P.T.S.).
- UdA.=Udāna Commentary (P.T.S.).
- VibhA.=Sammoha-Vinodanī, Vibhanga Commentary (P.T.S.).
- Vin.=Vinaya Pitaka, 5 vols., ed. Oldenberg (Williams and
- Vsm.=Visuddhi magga, 2 vols. (P.T.S.).
- VT.=Vinaya Texts, trs. by Rhys Davids and Oldenberg, 3
vols. (Sacred Books of the East).
- Vv.=Vimānavatthu (P.T.S.).
- VvA.=Vimānavatthu Commentary (P.T.S.).
- ZDMG.=Zeitschrift der Deutschen
Morgenländischen Gesellschaft.