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III.I.10. Cuulapu.n.nmasutta.m
(110) The shorter discourse on the full moon night
I heard thus.
At one time the Blessed One lived in the Pubba monastery, the palace of Migaaras
mother, in Saavatthi. On that full moon night of the fifteenth day the Blessed One sat in
the open, attended by the Community of bhikkhus. Then the Blessed One observed the silent
Community of bhikkhus and addressed them. Bhikkhus, does the unworthy one know the
unworthy one, as this good one is unworthy? (*1)
No, venerable sir, he does not know that.
Good! Bhikkhus, it is not possible that the unworthy one should know the unworthy
one, as this good one is unworthy. Bhikkhus, does the unworthy one know the worthy one, as
this good one is worthy?
No, venerable sir, he does not know that.
Good! Bhikkhus, it is not possible that the unworthy one should know the worthy
one, as this good one is worthy. Bhikkhus, the unworthy one is endowed with unworthy
qualities, unworthy devotion, thoughts, musings, words, actions and views and gives gifts
that are unworthy. Bhikkhus, how is the unworthy one endowed with unworthy qualities?
Bhikkhus, the unworthy one has no faith, shame and remorse. Has learned little, is
forgetful and without wisdom. Thus the unworthy one is endowed with unworthy
qualities.Bhikkhus, how is the unworthy one with unworthy devotion? Bhikkhus, the unworthy
one becomes friendly with those without faith, shame, remorse, with little learning,
forgetful and without wisdom. Thus the unworthy one is with unworthy devotion. Bhikkhus,
how is the unworthy one with unworthy thoughts? Bhikkhus, the uworthy one thinks to
trouble himself, thinks to trouble others and thinks to trouble both. Thus the unworthy
one thinks unworthily. Bhikkhus, how is the unworthy one with unworthy musings? Bhikkhus,
the uworthy one muses to trouble himself, muses to trouble others and muses to trouble
both. Thus the unworthy one muses unworthily. Bhikkhus, how is the unworthy one with
unworthy words? Bhikkhus, the unworthy one tells lies, talks maliciously, talks roughly,
and talks frivolously. Thus the unworthy one is with unworthy words.Bhikkhus, how is the
unworthy one with unworthy actions? Bhikkhus, the unworthy one destroys living things,
takes what is not given and misbehaves sexually. Thus the unworthy one is with unworthy
actions. Bhikkhus, how is the unworthy one with unworthy views? Here the unworthy one is
with the view, there are no results for gifts, sacrifices and offerings, there are no
rssults for good and bad actions. There is no this world, no other world, no mother, no
father.There are no beings that arise spontaneously, no recluses and brahmins in the
world, who have come to the right path, realizing this world and the other world, by
themselves, declare it. Thus the unworthy one is with unworthy view. Bhikkhus, how does
the unworthy one make an unworthy offering? Bhikkhus, the unworthy one gives an offering
disrespectfully, does not give with his own hands, does not give it honourably, gives it
as though throwing it, gives it without faith in results. Thus bhikkhus, the unworthy one
makes unworthy offerings..
Bhikkhus, the unworthy one endowed with unworthy, qualities, devotion, thoughts,
musings, words, actions and views and giving gifts unworthily, after death is born in
unworthy states. Bhikkhus, what are unworthy states? It is either birth in hell or in an
animal womb.
Bhikkhus, does the worthy one know the worthy one, as this good one is
Yes, venerable sir, he knows that.
Good! Bhikkhus, it is possible that the worthy one should know the worthy one, as
this good one is worthy. Bhikkhus, does the worthy one know the unworthy one, as this good
one is unworthy?
Yes, venerable sir, he knows that.
Good! Bhikkhus, it is possible that the worthy one should know the unworthy one,
as this good one is unworthy. Bhikkhus, the worthy one is endowed with worthy qualities
worthy devotion, thoughts, musings, words, actions and views and gives worthy gifts.
Bhikkhus, how is the worthy one endowed with worthy qualities? Bhikkhus, the worthy one
has faith, shame and remorse. Has much learnedness, is with aroused effort, mindful and
wise.Thus the worthy one is endowed with worthy qualities. Bhikkhus, how is the worthy one
with worthy devotion? Bhikkhus, the worthy one makes friends with those who have faith,
shame, remorse, much learning, aroused effort mindfulness and wisdom. Thus the worthy one
has worthy devotion. Bhikkhus, how is the worthy one with worthy thoughts? Bhikkhus, the
worthy one, does not think, to trouble himself, others and both.Thus the worthy one, has
worthy thoughts. Bhikkhus, how is the worthy one with worthy musings? Bhikkhus, the worthy
one, does not muse to trouble himself, others and either.Thus the worthy one, has worthy
musings. Bhikkhus, how is the worthy one with worthy words? Bhikkhus, the worthy one, does
not, tell lies, talk maliciously, talk roughly, and talk frivolously. Thus the worthy one
is with worthy words. Bhikkhus, how is the worthy one with worthy actions? Bhikkhus, the
worthy one does not, destroy living things, take what is not given and misbehave sexually.
Thus the worthy one is with worthy actions. Bhikkhus, how is the worthy one with worthy
views? The worthy one is with the view, there are results for gifts, sacrifices and
offerings, for good and bad actions. There is this world, the other world, mother, father.
There are beings that arise spontaneously, there are recluses and brahmins in the world,
who, come to the right path, realize this world and the other world, by themselves and
declare it. Thus the worthy one is with worthy views. Bhikkhus, how does the worthy one
make a worthy offering? Bhikkhus, the worthy one makes an offering respectfully, gives it
with his own hands, gives it honourably, gives it thoughtfully, gives it knowing there are
results for giving. Thus bhikkhus, the worthy one gives worthy gifts.
Bhikkhus, the worthy one endowed with worthy qualities, devotion, thoughts, musings,
words, actions and views and giving gifts that are worthy, after death is born in worthy
states. Bhikkhus, what are worthy states? They are births as the noblest of gods or the
noblest of men.
The Blessed One said thus and those bhikkhus delighted in the words of the
Blessed One.
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