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II. 4.1. Gha.tiikaarasutta.m
(81) The PotterGhatikara
I heard thus.
At one time the Blessed One, was going on a tour in the country of Kosala, with a large
community of bhikkhus. The Blessed One, coming to a certain region, stepped out of the
path and smiled. Then it occurred to venerable Ananda. The Blessed One does not smile for
nothing. Why did the Blessed One smile? Then venerable Ananda, arranging his robe on one
shoulder, clasped his hands towards the Blessed One and said. Venerable sir, for
what reason did the Blessed One smile? Ananda, in the past in this region,
there was a chief village named Vebhalinga. It was very prosperous and highly populated.
The perfect rightfully enlightened one Kassapa abode suppoted on this village. Ananda, the
perfect rightfully enlightened one Kassapa sat here and adivsed the community of
Venerable Ananda folded the robe in four and placing it there said. Then
venerable sir, sit here, so that it would be partaken by two perfect rightfully
enlightened ones. The Blessed One sat on it and addressed venerable Ananda. In
this chief village Vebhalinga there was a potter named Ghatikara the chief supporter of
the Blessed One, and he had an apprentice named Jotipala, a young lovable man. Then the
potter Ghatikara addressed the young man Jotipala. Friend, Jotipala, let us go and see the
Blessed One Kassapa, perfect, and rightfully enlightened. It is good to see such
enlightened ones. Ananda. When this was said, the young man Jotipala said thus: Friend,
ghatikara, what use comes seeing these monkish shavellings. For the second time the potter
Ghatikara said Friend, Jotipala, let us go and see the Blessed One Kassapa, perfect, and
rightfully enlightened. It is good to see such enlightened ones.. For the third time the
potter Ghatikara said Friend, Jotipala, let us go and see the Blessed One Kassapa,
perfect, and rightfully enlightened. It is good to see such enlightened ones,--- For the
third time the young man Jotipala saidFriend, Ghatikara, what use comes seeing these
monkish shavellings.
Then friend Jotipala, take the soap powder and the brush and lets go to the
river, to bathe. To that he agreed and and they went to the river to bathe. At the river
too the potter Ghatikara addressed the young man. Good friend, Jotipala, the Blessed One
Kassapa, perfect and rightfully enlightened ones monastery is close by. Let us go
and see him, it is good to see such enlightened ones. When this was said, again the young
man said, Friend, Ghatikara, what use comes seeing these monkish shavellings. Ananda, for
the second and third time the young man Jotipala said this. Then the potter Ghatikara took
hold of the young man Jotipala by his girdle and said again, Friend, Jotipala, let us go
to see the Blessed one Kassapa, perfect, and rightfully enlightened. It is good to see
such enlightened ones. The young man released himself from that hold and said, Friend,
ghatikara, what use comes seeing these monkish shavellings. Then the potter Ghatikara,
held the young mans well washed hair and said. Good friend, Jotipala, the Blessed
One Kassapa, perfect and rightfully enlightened ones monastery is close by. Let us
go and see him. It is good to see such enlightened ones. Ananda, then it occurred to the
young man Jotipala, it is wonderful, how this potter Ghatikara should think to touch the
washed hair of one of high birth like me. He does not think it should not be touched. Then
he said. Let it be your wish. Good friend, Jotipala, let it be your wish
too!Seeing, these perfect rightfully enlightened ones is good.. .
Friend, Ghatikara loosen the hold and let us go now. Then Ananda, the potter Ghatikana
and the young man Jotipala approached the monastery of the perfect, rightfully enlightened
one, Kassapa. The potter Ghatikara worshipped the Blessed One and sat on a side, the young
man Jotipala exchanged friendly greetings with the perfect rightfully enlightened Blessed
One Kassapa and sat on a side. The potter Ghatikara said thus to the perfect, rightfully
enlightened one Kassapa. Venerable sir, this is my loveable friend and assistant,
Jotipala, give him the Teaching.. The Blessed One Kassapa perfect, rightfully
enlightened one adviced, instructed incited and made the hearts light of the young man
Jotipala and the potter Ghatikara. Then the two of them delighted and pleased got up from
their seats, worshipped, circumambulated the Blessed One and went away.
Then the young man Jotipala said to the potter Ghatikara. Friend, Ghatikara, you
hear this Teaching, why dont you leave the household and become a homeless?
Friend, Jotipala, dont you know, that I support my mother and father, who
are blind and decayed?
Then friend, Ghatikara I will leave the household and become a homeless.
.The young man Jotipala and the potter Ghatikara approached the Blessed One Kassapa,
perfect, rightfully enlightened, worshipped and sat on a side. Then the potter Ghatikara
said thus to the Blessed One Kassapa, perfect rightfully enlightened. Venerable sir,
this is my loveable friend and assistant Jotipala, give him the going forth.. The
young man Jotipala received the going forth and the higher ordination from the Blessed One
Kassapa, perfect, rightfully enlightened. Ananda, the Blessed One Kassapa, perfect
rightfully enlightened two weeks after confering the higher ordination on the young man
Jotipala, went on a tour to Benares, and gradually reached Benares.
Then, Ananda, the Blessed One Kassapa, perfect rightfully enlightened lived in Benares
in the deer park in Isipatana. The king of Benares Kiki Kaasiraajaa heard, the Blessed One
Kassapa perfect, rightfully enlightened has arrived in Benares and he got good conveyances
arranged for himself, and came to see the Blessed One Kassapa in all royal splendour.
Covering as far as the conveyances could go, he approached the Blessed One Kassapa,
perfect rightfully enlightened on foot. Worshipped the Blessed One Kassapa, perfect
rightfully enlightened and sat on a side. The Blessed One Kassapa, perfect rightfully
enlightened, advised, instructed, incited and made the heart light of the king of Benares,
Kiki Kaasiraajaa. Then the delighted and pleased king invited the Blessed One Kassapa,
perfect rightfully enlightened for the next days meal together with the community of
bhikkhus. The Blessed One Kassapa, perfect rightfully enlightened, accepted the invitation
in silence. Then king Kiki Kaasiraajaa knowing that the Blessed One Kassapa had accepted
the invitation got up from his seat worshipped and circumambulated the Blessed One
Kassapa, perfect rightfully enlightened and went away. King Kiki Kaasiraajaa in his palace
made preparations of various nourishing eatables and drinks, with cooked rice with the
fine rice of the colour pale yellow with the dark seeds picked and informed the Blessed
One: Venerable sir, the meal is ready, and it's time for the meal.
Then Ananda, the Blessed One Kassapa putting on robes in the morning and taking bowl
and robes, together with the Community of bhikkhus approached the palace of king Kiki
Kaasiraajaa and sat on the seats prepared. The king served and satisfied the Blessed One
Kassapa perfect, rightfully enlightened and the community of bhikkhus with his own hands.
When the meal was over and the bowl was put away. KingKikiKaasiraajaatook a low seat and
siting said thus to the Blessed One: Venerable sir, may the Blessed One accept to spend
the rains in Benares, I will attend on the Blessed One and the community in this manner.
The Blessed One Kassapa perfect and rightfully enlightened said I have already accepted to
spend the rains. King Kiki Kaasiraajaa entreated the Blessed One up to the third time and
the Blessed One Kassapa said I have already accepted to spend the rains. Then king Kiki
Kaasiraajaa was displeased and unpleasant, thinking, the Blessed One Kassapa perfect
rightfully enlightened does not accept my invitation. He asked the Blessed One
Kassapa.Venerable sir, is there some other enticing supporter? Great king, in the chief
village, Vebhalinga there is a potter named Ghatikara, he is my chief supporter. To you,
great king there is a change in the mind (* and displeasure thinking the Blessed One
Kassapa does not accept my invitation to spend the rains in Benares. To the potter
Ghatikara, such a thing does not happen, and will not happen. Great king, the potter
Ghatikara has taken refuge in the enlightenment, in the Teaching and the Community of
bhikkhus. Abstains from destroying life, abstains from taking what is not given, abstains
from misbehaviour in sexuality, abstains from telling lies and abstains from intoxicating
drinks. Great king, the potter Ghatikara has unwavering faith in Enlightenment, in the
Teaching and the Community of bhikkhus. Is endowed with the virtues of the noble ones.
Great king, the potter Ghatiara has overcome doubts about unpleasantness, about the
arising of unpleasantness, about the cessation of unpleasantness and the path to the
cessation of unpleasantness. Great king, the potter Ghatikara takes one meal per day, is
virtuous and leads a holy life. Great king, he has put aside gold and gems, soverign gold
and silver. He does not till the ground with a mammoty or with his hand. He puts rats,
mice and dogs into a box in a friendly manner and puts the left overs of rice, green grams
or chick peas into it and leaves them saying take away whatever you wish. Great king, the
potter Ghatikara supports his blind decayed mother and father. Great king, the potter
Ghatikara has destroyed the five lower bonds to the sensual world, is born spontaneously,
will not proceed from that world and will extinguish in that same birth.
Great king, at one time I lived in the chief village Vebhalinga, then in the morning I
put on robes and taking bowl and robes approached the mother and father of the potter
Ghatikara, and told them. Now, where has this good one gone? Venerable
sir, your supporter has gone out. Venerable sir, take the cooked rice from the pot and
soups and curries and partake of the food. Then great king I take the cooked
rice from the pot and soups and curries, partake of the food and go away. Then, great
king, the potter Ghatikara would approach his mother and father and would ask: Who is it
that came, took the rice from the pot and the soups and curries, partaking them, got up
from the seat and has gone away? Dear one, it is the Blessed One Kassapa,
perfect and rightfully enlightened that took the rice from the pot and the soups and
curries and partaking them, getting up from the seat has gone away. Then it
occurs to the potter Ghatikara, it is great gain for me, that the Blessed One, perfect and
rightfully enlightened has taken me into such confidence. That pleasant joy would not
leave him for two weeks, and for the mother and father it lasted one week.
Great king, at one time I lived in the chief village Vebhalinga, then in the morning I
put on robes and taking bowl and robes approached the mother and father of the potter
Ghatikaara, and told them.. Now, where has this good one gone? Venerable sir,
your supporter has gone out. Venerable sir, take the bread from the caldron and soups and
curries and partake of the food. Then great king I take the bread from
thecaldronand soups and curries, partake of the food and go away. Then, great king, the
potter Ghatikaara would approach his mother and father and would ask: Who is it that came,
took the bread from the caldron and the soups and curries, partaking them, got up from the
seat and has gone away? Dear one, it is the Blessed One Kassapa, perfect
rightfully enlightened that took the bread from the caldron and the soups and curries
partakingthem, getting up from the seat has gone. Then it occurred to the
potter Ghatikara, it isgreat gain for me, that the Blessed One, perfect rightfully
enlightened has taken me into such confidence. That pleasant joy would not leave him for
two weeks, and for the mother and father it lasted one week.
Great king, at one time I lived in the chief village Vebhalinga, at that time my
perfumed chamber was leaking, then I addressed the bhikkhus: Bhikkhus, do you know,the
grassin the potter Ghatikaras house? Go! bring them. Great king, when this was said,
the bhikkhus said. Venerable sir, there is no grass in the potter Ghatikaras
house. There is his thatched roof of grass.Then I said, Go bhikkhus, bring the
grass of the thatched roof of the potter Ghatikaras house. Then the bhikkhus
removed the grass from the thatched roof of the potter Ghatikaras house. Then great
king, the mother and father of the potter Ghatikara said. Who is it that
removes the grass from the roof? Sister, it is the bhikkhus, the Blessed One
perfect rightfully enlightened ones perfumed chamber is leaking. Take
them! Good ones, you speak good words. Then great king, the potter Ghatikara coming
home approached his mother and father and asked. Who removed the grass from the
roof?Its the bhikkhus, dear one, the roof of the perfumed chamber of the
Blessed One Kassapa, perfect and rightfully enlightened one is leaking. Then it
occurred to the potter Ghatikara. It is great gain for me, that the Blessed One perfect
and rightfully enlightened has taken me into such confidence. That pleasant joy would not
leave him for two weeks, and for the mother and father it lasted one week. Then that house
stood roofless for three months and it did not rain. Great king, the potter Ghatikara is
such a one.
Venerable sir, it is great gain for the potter Ghatikaarathatthe Blessed One
spend the rains in this manner.
Then Ananda, king Kiki Kaasiraajaa sent about five hundred cart loads of pale
yellow coloured, fine rice, and as much accompanying necessary things for them to the
potter Ghatikaara. The royal messenges approached the potter Ghatikaara and said Good sir,
these five hundred cart loads of pale yellow coloured fine rice, and as much accompanying
necessary things are sent to you by king Kiki Kaasiraajaaaccept them. The king has much
work to do, it may be to me from the king.
Ananda, it might occur to you. Did this young man Jotipala attain perfection
then?. It should not be thought in that manner. I was Jotipala at that
The Blessed One said thus and venerable Ananda delighted in the words of the Blessed
(*) A change in the mind na bhagavaa vassa.m adhivaaseti atthi
a~n~nathatta.matthi domaanassa.m The change in the mind is, the mind feeling
unpleasant instantly. It happened to the king, when the Blessed One Kassapa would not
accept to spend the rains in his kingdom
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